(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible says in Leviticus 19, 28, it says, You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you. I am the Lord. So this is another problem that we have, and you might not think it's that big of a deal. And look, if you have a tattoo, I'm not trying to single you out and make you feel bad for the tattoos you've already gotten. Okay, I have a tattoo. People know that. Whatever. I wish it would go away, but you can't make them go away. Okay, but I'll tell you what I am going to do. I'm going to preach against getting tattoos. We had deacons at our church that literally were going to get tattoos because their son was in the navy. And he's like, I was really thinking about it. I'm like, what are you talking about? You're a deacon in the church and you're talking about getting a tattoo? Are you crazy? This is a Baptist church. It's not, you know, some Pentecostal or community church, or it's not, what's that guy, dirt bin, Jeff dirt bin, Jeff Durbin, where we're having a tattoo parlor in the church. We're talking about a Baptist church here. He's saying, hey, I'm going to get, I was going to get a tattoo I almost got when I said, what are you talking about? The Bible says that you're not supposed to print any marks upon you. I am the Lord. And he's, well, I need to see that. You're a deacon in the church and you don't know that verse? You're a deacon in the church and you don't know that the Bible says you're not supposed to get tattoos? What in the world? I mean, that's why there's qualifications, people, because of people like him. So I just did a quick google search of the different tattoo parlors that are in Houston, okay? I've done this before at my churches. There was even weirder names up where we live. It was like, I had a list. There's a lot of tattoo places up where we live. But I just want to give you, just so you know, that tattoos are wicked and that the the influence behind them is wicked. It's a heathen practice. It's not something, the reason why God said not to do it is because it's a heathen practice. It's what people do for their gods. Have you ever seen people that put like their dead relative tattooed on their arm? It's like a picture of their grandma or something. That's putting cuttings in your flesh for the dead. You're memorializing a dead person on your own body that God created. But anyway, here's some of the names of the tattoo parlors in town, okay? Prison break tattoos. That's one of them. So if you want to go get a tattoo, go to prison break, right? Prison break tattoos. Here's another one. Secret tattoo. I guess if that's one you want to put one on your back shoulder so nobody can see it, I don't know. But Scorpion Studios is another one that you could go to. You know the Bible talks about scorpions in the Bible in a negative context, right? Here's another one. This is a real godly one. It's Assassin Tattoo Houston. It's the Assassin Tattoo Parlor. Rampage Tattoo. Are you starting to get like a feel of, you know, what these people's mentality is that put these places together? And now there's some normal sounding ones, okay? I just took the worst of the worst, okay? Sin Town Tattoo Studio. Sin Town Tattoo Studio. Los Muertos Tattoo. Los Muertos Tattoo. Here's another one. This is probably one of the popular ones around town. It's called Demon Ink. Demon Ink. And then there's another one, like if you're case you're Buddhist. It's Buddha's Temple of Body Art. Little Buddha. And then there's the other one. It's Bad Boys Tattoo. And the boys is spelled B-O-Y-Z. Bad Boys. And then there's Outlaw Ink Tattoo, of course. I just wanted to show you that these names are not exactly what you would call Christian names, okay? I mean Sin Town. I mean they know what they're doing is sinful. They know what they're doing is. I mean if your tattoo place is called Demon Ink, I mean as a Christian, are you seriously, would you seriously consider going to a place called Demon Ink because they just have the best ink, bro? Look, we're free in Christ, but we're not free to break God's commandments that are still in effect today. Still in effect today.