(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse eight it says we are confident I say and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord Wherefore we labor That whether present or absent we may be accepted of him So whether we're dead or whether we're alive Right now we labor says wherefore we labor Because we walk by faith not by sight we walk by the faith of the things that we're gonna receive later we're walking through this world and You know we're so journeying in a world that we're not that's not our future home Our future home is in heaven our future home is the New Jerusalem, and what are we supposed to do while we're here? Not sit around and do nothing Not sit around and do nothing where it says wherefore we labor that whether present or absent we may be accepted of him From we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. That's an individual thing and look It's not gonna play on the jumbotron all the sins that you've ever done, okay? That's a weird teaching you know that you got from a chick track or something. Okay? That's not how it works What are we being judged according to the things? Says that everyone may be received the things done in his body according to that he hath done So God has rewards for us in heaven. It says whether it be good or bad So if the bad things are burnt up you're not held responsible for the things you do once you go to heaven The jumbotron playing your long list of sins that you commit after you've been saved that doesn't play There's no such thing. There's no jumbotron in the King James Bible I don't I've never seen that verse the jumbotron of that's not that's not happening We're not gonna be judged after we die we're judged on this world in this world for the things we do in our body and The whether they be good or bad We do appear before the judgment seat But it's not to be judged for our sins because our sins are forgotten God forgotten. He covered him with his precious blood