(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Islam has been around about since about 600 years after Christianity started so it's been around a while, but people will say well It's there. They're the same God Islam you know Allah is the same God as the God of the Bible is that true. It's not true now it's true that the word Allah is the Arabic word for God, but it's not the God of the Bible because they're teaching a totally different System of theology they're teaching you know that you have to be a good person you have to follow the five pillars of Islam Just like that guy told me last week, and you have to pray five times a day You have to be a good person you have to give money to the poor you have to visit Mecca once in your lifetime I think there's all this stuff isn't that works It's works. You know I I believe that we should you know give money to the poor I believe that we should pray five times a day, but that's not what makes someone saved and obviously We're not praying to the moon. God of Allah