(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What's wrong to hurt animals? What's wrong to slaughter animals? It's not wrong to do that. God said to receive them with thanksgiving, right? For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. Who's ever seen those memes during hunting season? This is one of my favorites, and I don't have a picture of it with me. But it says, if you're cold, then they're cold, and it has a deer or something in the snow. And then underneath it says, bring them inside and warm them up. And it's like a plate of food with like, yeah. I love that one. Dogs are eaten in some countries. Did you know that? And I know that people are just like, no, not Fluffy or Rover. One of our church leaders has eaten dogs before. When he came and visited us in Yakima, he kept commenting. There's a lot of dogs in Yakima. And he was just like, thinking of all these dog recipes he could have while he was there.