(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Remember that you came to them, you came to their door, and you are a guest. You are an ambassador, so act like an ambassador, dress like an ambassador, speak like an ambassador, and ambassadors are trying to win over some foreign nation or have them be friendly to their side. So that's what we're trying to do. We're not trying to upset people, and yeah, the freaks are still going to come out and scream at us, and people aren't going to receive our ambassage to them. But we still should, you know, when we're out sowing, we're not trying to go out and offend people, we're not trying to get people upset with us, that's going to happen by the message alone. But don't, so persecution is going to come, but that doesn't mean that you should force the persecution upon yourself by acting in a way that's not right.