(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But you know if you're looking to become a leader like we're having a spiritual leadership class coming up if you're looking to be a leader know that being idle is not a quality of leadership you got to be in in this church doing the work you know if I if you want me to think that you're a leader we got to act like one not just you know in the church but also in your home you know it's very evident you know when people are having problems in their lives and you know you should as a leader you should get your house in order also you know you better be someone we're following if you can't get your wife and kids to follow you to do something that how are you going to get a whole church to follow you if you want to be a pastor someday or if you want to be an evangelist that goes and preaches all in different places around the world or you know whatever it is that you want to do maybe you just want to be a deacon well you got to be qualified okay there's a difference between people that put that are permanently in leadership you know that that are called into leadership maybe someone that's like an evangelist right I believe an evangelist is someone who goes and just preaches the gospel gets people say that's their job and it's not like you know you're not an evangelist to go and make your own dinosaur land or you know stuff like that now because that can't hope it hasn't been an evangelist at the church that he's been to you like acts like it's a permanent appointment or something like when he disqualified himself when he got divorced you know he get I mean people call him pastor you know he disqualified himself by doing a lot of different things at least teaching that that marriage you know about marriage and obvious he's been married three times now so that's not somebody I'd lot want to look forward you know who I'd look to to be a leader you know and who's who housing evangelists still you know he just kind of does his own thing is his own parachurch organization and I'm not saying he's not saved some people think he is some people don't think he is whatever I don't know it's kind of hard to tell sometimes but when it's hard to tell then usually that's a sign that they might not be but people could be super wicked and still be saved so I mean it is what it is but the thing is is that you're not gonna be promoted just by you know you're not gonna be promoted into a position of leadership by just God you're also got to be promoted by the people within the congregation you notice that the congregation had to they're the ones that are they put their hands on they prayed for him they sent them out so it's got to be God the people in the church and then those are the people that send you out but you know the thing is God is the one that promotes people turn to Psalm chapter 75 verse number 6 Psalm chapter 75 and verse number 6 the Bible says this in Psalm 75 verse 6 it says for promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south but God is the judge he put it down one and said it up another so God is able to put people down and he's also able to set up someone else to take their place like we saw in the life of King Saul you know King Saul was promoted by the Lord to be the first king of Israel and then when he kept messing up and he kept screwing up God said you know what I'm gonna ordain somebody else to be the next king and they anointed David with oil and then Saul tried to kill him but you know Saul was saved but see God put him down eventually why did God kill Saul because he went to the witch you know he went to the witch of Endor and you know he that was the final straw with God you know it wasn't just that he was it was because he was disobeying what God told him to do in the leadership aspect but it was also because he went and saw a familiar spirit by the witch of Endor