(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Turn to Genesis chapter 17 turn over there with me if you wouldn't verse number seven It says I'll establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed After thee and their generations for an everlasting covenant to be a god unto thee and to thy seed After thee and I will give unto thee and to thy seed after thee the land Wherein thou art a stranger all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and I will be their God Abraham was to bless the whole all the nations of the whole world All right, and that includes the Gentiles the nations the goyim if you wanted to say that now turn back to Galatians chapter number three Galatians chapter number three. We'll look at a few verses over there Galatians chapter 3 verse 16 the Bible says now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made He saith not and to seeds as of many but as one and to thy seed which is Christ So he's not talking about he said I'm not talking about your ancestry. I'm not talking about Ancestry.com we're talking about the Lord Jesus Christ who is the seed that he was talking about the promised seed that would come from Abraham he said kings would come from his loins. Jesus Christ is the great king Amen and I'll skip down to verse 26 It says for ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus and all we know means all right anybody that's saved Anybody that's called upon the name of the Lord anybody that has their faith put in Jesus Christ You are a child of God just as you're just as good as anybody else. Amen Nobody has some advantage in a way that they're better than you so you get these people these Zionists that will say oh, yeah, you know you have you've got to have a Jewish dentist and a Jewish doctor and you got a you know a Jewish veterinarian the Jew is better in all ways than you are And I mean, it's just crazy when people say stuff like that You know, let's see the great Jewish basketball players that we have now. They're not better at everything Okay, there might be better at banking but that's about As far as that goes anyway, let's see verse 27 It says for as many as you have have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek There's neither bond nor free There is neither male nor female for you are all one in Christ Jesus And if ye be Christ, then you are Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise So if you are in Christ, that's the big there's a big if right there it says if you be Christ Then are ye Abraham seed and heirs according to the promise. Yeah. Look if they don't have Christ they don't have anything They're not saved So what what are they? What are these Zionists want? They just want us to to bow down and lick these Jews boots for what these guys if they don't believe in Jesus Look a lot most Zionists will say well, yeah, if they don't believe in Jesus, they're not going to heaven There's extreme Zionists that think that they just have their own covenant But there's some that actually think that they do have to believe but yet we're still supposed to be their friends You know, we're still supposed to be their homies because and give them money and and all this stuff, you know, it's garbage