(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse 47 praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily As should be saved. So, you know what God was was happy about this I don't think that this is here as an accident I think God wants us to know that he wants us to be together like this. He wants us to dwell Together in unity. He wants us to be unified as one great soul-willing powerhouse dragon slain Church Right, he wants us to go out and have one heart and one mind and and it's not And so like the devil will take that kind of that kind of mentality and make it something wicked where we're all You know this one world government the devil just counterfeits and copies everything that God does anyway But when it comes to unity with the brethren it the Bible says it's good And so God blessed that unity that they had in the early book in the early church there in Acts and it's pleasant