(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Number three God forgives the repentant it says in verse number two in numbers 11 It says in the people cried unto moses and when moses prayed unto the Lord the fire was quenched So it's funny even though moses was getting complained about even though people were ready to stone him on several occasions God he still prayed to the to God for the people Because moses was an intercessor. He was like the Lord Jesus Christ Look if we complain about G We whether we realize it or not when we're complaining about the lives that we have now as Christians Your complaint your complaint is to God You're displeased with God and that's dangerous ground to be on But the man of God's job is to help the people and lead the people so when I hear murmuring and complaining I Just want to pray for you look. I'm not preaching this sermon because I'm mad at anybody I'm preaching this sermon because I want to help people you know I don't know where you're at on every single thing in your life. I don't know how much you complain I don't know how much you murmur, but God knows Says God you know God heard it. He's gonna hear it Just like he could look down at heaven and see the hearts of every human being on the planet He can hear every single thing that you say and even if it's a whispering murmur Church again He hears that So you know like I said, I preach sermons like this to help you. I'm not here to hurt anybody today, but I do know this, but if this sermon hair lifts every single person in this church I'm still gonna preach what I'm preaching tonight So look at verse number three it says that he and he called the name of the place Tabra because the fire of the Lord burnt among them, so what happened they murmured they complained And then God smoked some of them on the outside of the camp right had a chart at a barbecue