(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Colossians 3 25 says that he that doeth wrong shall receive up for the wrong which he hath done And there is no respect of persons night. I thought about this for a while I kind of just like trying to chew on this person like what's God trying to say here? That when you do wrong at work or you're working in a wrong manner for God You're being a man pleaser or you're just not working real hard. You're being lazy You're being slothful in the work of the Lord or just in anything that you do The Bible says this there's no respect a person Just because you serve the Lord God because you believe in him doesn't mean he's gonna let you keep that good job You got if you're not doing a good job, you're gonna get fired. Just like anybody else would trust me It's happened to me before I thought well, you know, God blessed me with this job That's great And then there's been times when I didn't do as good of a job as I could have and I think why did that happen? Your fault, honey You got to do a good job I'm not saying I got I don't know I can't think of a time I got fired but I could think of times when I've been in hot water for not doing as good as I could have at my job Okay, so just because you're a Christian doesn't mean God's gonna bless your job situation. No matter what he's not going to He's not a respecter of persons And you still have to work hard and in most cases harder than the people that you work with You have to actually give I know this is kind of a what like a cliche term but a hundred and ten percent which isn't really possible, but 110% it just means that you're you're working Above what other people are working because people are gonna scrutinize you harder than they do other people It's just a fact I've been saved for a long time. I see I know how it works If they admit they find out you're a Christian or get a whiff that you're a Christian there anything you do that's wrong They're all over you like white on rice