(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But number two creation is The world is created by God It's not evolution. It's not God made this world through evolution or any other garbage like that God created the heaven and the earth the Bible says in Genesis 1 1 in the beginning God Created the heaven and earth is there any doubt who created the heaven and the earth if you look at the book of Genesis 1 1 no now look over at Genesis 2 1 take take a Trip to chapter number 2 it says thus the heavens and the earth were what? Finished all right. I'm gonna have to have you guys follow along with me. Let's go all right wake up Says thus the heaven and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them, so was everything finished Genesis 2 1 is it say everything was finished ok and on the seventh day God ended his work Which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all the work Which he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctify it because that it that in it He had rested from all of his work Which God created and made so these verses You know this is something that's foundational to the Bible This is something that's foundational to our faith that not only is God the only God that there is but also that God Says that he's the one that created the heaven and the earth He's the one that made everything and he's the one that finished the creation ok there's nothing created After those first six days everything there's no new thing under the Sun Ok Exodus 20 verse 11 backs this up It says for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth the sea and all that in them is Rested the seventh day were for the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hollered it So God repeats over and over again that he made the world in six days all right I'll tell you that's a foundational truth that we have to believe Why do we have to believe it well because God said it? Where did he say it in the first book of the Bible the foundational book hey? We can't let the foundations get destroyed we got to proclaim God's Word I don't care who thinks we're crazy for believing in a six-day creation. You know what it's not a day It was the first day God created in the heaven and the earth he created in six days He rested on the seventh and blessed his creation, and he said everything was good