(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Gatorade, you know, they say drink Gatorade if you're on a hot day and it'll keep you hydrated and all that. But you know what Gatorade does to me? It makes me more thirsty. There's nothing like a cold glass of water on a hot day. Does anything sound better to you than a cold glass of water? When you're super thirsty, what are you thirsty for? You're thirsty for water, not Coke, not Pepsi, not sweet tea, not any of that other stuff. In reality, there's nothing that quenches your thirst like water. Isn't that true? And this is the picture that God's showing us, hey, drink water. Don't go out and try to get Pepsi. Don't go outside of your marriage and try to, hey, you know, I really like Coke. And so you're looking. So you know what I'm saying? Like you got to think about this, that you drink water and if you drink water, there's nothing else that satisfies better. If you're thirsty, drink water and drink that water out of your own well, out of your own sister, and don't go outside for sweet tea, you know, because when you drink sweet tea, what do you want more of? More sweet tea. And what else do you want? You want, you know, if you're going outside, hey, I really want a Diet Coke. If you think about it in these terms, then you're thinking about, hey, God wants you to drink your own water. Water. It doesn't say Gatorade, does it? It doesn't say Diet Coke. It doesn't say Diet Pepsi. It doesn't say sweet tea. It doesn't say bang energy drinks. It doesn't say monster energy drinks. So drink water out of your own well. Don't go outside the marriage and try to get some sweet tea, because it's not going to be as good as what you have at home. You might think it is, but you know what that does? It ruins your life. And if you drink a bunch of, if all you ever drink is Coke, you think you're going to be healthy? No. If you go outside and try to get some Diet Pepsi, you know what I'm saying? Hopefully you understand spiritually what I'm saying to you right now. Go outside and try to get Diet Pepsi, and that's all you want to drink is something else besides what you have at home? It's going to ruin your life. It's going to ruin your health. It's going to ruin your marriage. So don't try to go outside of your own, just drink water out of your own sister. And it's, you know, you get used to it. Drink water. I was actually thinking about this. I was thinking, maybe I should just stop drinking everything else right now and just drink water and see how that makes me feel. The Bible says, if you drink that water out of your own, well, that's, that's good. Why would you want to be ravaged with, you know, why would you want to embrace the bosom of sweet tea? You know, what's going to happen? You're going to burn yourself. You're going to, you know, if you just drink only sweet tea, guess what? You're going to get diabetes. And you know, what happens when you go outside the water of your own home? You're going to, you know, you're going to get some kind of disease. You're going to get some kind of affliction because the Bible says that God will judge the adulterer. He will judge the whoremonger. And so get used to drinking water and it will satisfy you.