(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look at Acts chapter 5 verse 38, you see because the name of Jesus is very powerful And so when they said hey rise up and walk They rose up and walked their faith and in Jesus and the fact they're spreading the gospel in this early church But they're showing you know, the apostles were given special power like that from the Lord Jesus for the first century But I don't believe that that power is used today in that way necessarily I mean, obviously you can pray for people and they'll heal. I'm not saying God doesn't do miracles anymore I'm just saying that miracles like this don't happen I mean, you know, you see these Pentecostals that go around and they're whipping people with coats and you know Talking in tongues and all this stuff and like, you know, they they seemingly heal people Glory to God you're not bound to this chair the day will come you'll walk out of it in the name of Jesus Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord Thank you, Lord Now then you guys just help him up. Please help him up power. God's all over him. He's not hurt He's not hurt Praise the God praise the Lord praise the Lord. I don't know. It's just all these false miracles How come they don't go into children's burn centers and heal burn children and children that are have ailing issues They they don't because they can't because it's all phony They pay these people to do these false miracles and wonders