(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Joe Biden's a pedophile, okay? Don't ask me to pray for him. Don't get mad at me because I don't want to pray for Joe Biden. Just shut up. He sniffs girls' hair. He touches, he's like there's, you can't fake that. Like I know there's a lot of deep fake stuff, but some of this is old footage. Look, you can't, some of that stuff, it's not faked. All right, you got girls just like going, please get away from me, creepy Joe. I saw this one where he's like grabbed this Asian lady, just like touching her hair, and she just like kind of pushes him off. Like get away from me, weirdo. Jeremiah the prophet said, don't pray for these people. These are people that I don't want you to pray for them. So people always take something and they're like, you always have to pray for somebody. Pray for our president that he'd get saved. He's a reprobate. He's not going to get saved. Why are you praying a stupid prayer that means nothing? Well the Bible says we're supposed to pray for our leaders. You're supposed to pray for Herod too? Well I wish Herod would just get out of hell because he was one of our leaders in Jerusalem. It's like, don't be stupid. Like think beyond your catch all verses sometimes. Judge not, that's another popular one that people like to quote that aren't saved. Like throughout the Bible it just talks about judgment, judgment, judging, judging, judgment, judging, judging. It's like just judging is like one of the big topics of the Bible. I mean just look up the term judgment in the Bible. You're going to find it a lot. And you're going to find that God likes people that judge. He loves people that judge. Now if you're judging unrighteously, he does not like that. So you see, it's wrong to judge unrighteously or hypocritically, but it's not wrong to judge. We judge things every day, all day, and the fact that they're telling me that the Bible says not to judge, they're judging the fact that I'm judging people. Because they're hypocrites. They just can't help it. They don't even see it. They're so blinded by the devil, they just don't see how blinded they really are.