(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But do you also, do you look for daily opportunities in your life when you're not so many? There's lots of encounters that we have with people out in the general public where we could just give them a verse or whatever, you're out shopping. I'm not saying that God talks to me, but sometimes do you feel that urge like, hey, I should go talk to that person. If you don't have that urge, maybe you're not right with God, I don't know. We should be thinking about people's souls because they're going somewhere forever. They're either going to heaven or they're going to hell. Who out there is a soul winner that soul wins like our church? Do you think there's a lot of people in this area that are out going soul winning? You know there's not. You know there's not. So you might be the only soul winner in that blip of area for scores and scores of miles and you're given an opportunity every day to talk to somebody or reach somebody. And you might be the only blip on the radar, ping! You know how that little sonar thing goes around? You're the only one. And you're the only one that can give the gospel to someone to get them saved because they're not getting saved by picking up a track, they're not getting saved by reading their Bible, they're not getting saved by any false prophets. So who's going to save them? Who's going to save them? So you know anyone that walks across your path is a potential convert. And keep it in your heart to have a soul winning mindset at all times. Last night I went to the assisted living ministry and before we went I was like hey let's go early I want to get a couple pies. Now I got a pumpkin pie and I got an apple pie. That's American right? America. I got an apple pie and I got some Cool Whip, some whipped cream. It was real whipped cream. It wasn't like that garbage. Miss Crystal checked it. It was good. So she's like oh this is the real stuff. No, I'm just kidding. But anyway, so brother Robert got done preaching his sermon and look we had a small turnout last night. Like even the residents, like normally we have a lot more residents that come to the services. But it was just me and my wife and Robert and his wife and you know at the end it was like oh man there just wasn't very many people. But you know I'll tell you what, the pies drew people in. Like people that weren't even at the services were like hovering around like looking at the pies. They got their walkers and you know they're just they're like licking their lips while they walk by. I'm like alright let's give these pies. We had plenty, plenty to give away. So I just started serving anybody that came, whether they came to the service or not. And Yvette, you know she's so, she's ornery sometimes. She's like if they didn't come to the service you shouldn't be giving them the pies. And I was like well maybe they'll want to come to the next service. So then she changed her tune. And she was like well introduce yourself pastor. She like tried to one up me right in front of everybody. So there was this lady and everybody calls her Mimi. She's never been to any of the services. I don't think anybody's ever even talked to her. But she sat down. And she came and sat down and like she didn't say anything. Like she was like one of those people that are afraid to ask for stuff you know. I could just tell. And like everybody was kind of having a little conversation. I was like hey would you like to have a piece of pie? And she said what kind you got? I said I got apple pie, pumpkin pie. She said apple pie. I was like merica. No I didn't say that. But I said you want whipped cream? Yeah. And so just with that simple opportunity I got to ask her if she knew for sure that she was going to heaven or not. And she said she was. And I said could you lose your salvation? And she said well I've never believed in that once saved always saved before. And I said well if I could show you that the Bible teaches that it's once saved always saved will you believe it? She said sure. I said well let me grab my Bible. So I grabbed my Bible. Went through everything with her. She prayed. She got saved. And you know I'm not trying to toot my own horn here. I'm just saying that like I was focused on someone getting saved because what are we doing this for? You know obviously we want to teach people at that place. But I also want to get the people saved that aren't coming to the services. And if I have to use a pie to lure them in I'm going to use a pie.