(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) We had some pervert walk in wearing a skirt a couple weeks ago. It was after the service, but you know, you got to go. Let everything be done decently and in order. First of all, you don't show up after the service is over. That's what a lot of these vagrants like to do. They like to come in after the service is over because they don't want to hear the preaching of God's word. They just want to beg and get you to buy them a hotel room or you know, give them some money or whatever and they'll give you every sad story. You know, my wife's a cancer. She's dying of cancer and you know, we ran out of gas. It's like, man, they really laid on thick. But you don't walk in at the end of a service and make a spectacle of yourself and expect me to do anything for you. It's like, why don't you come in? You know, if you want to be humble and come in and I'm willing to help people. I want to help people. But when they are just out of order, they're not decent, you know. When a man walks in with dreadlocks and a beard and a short tight mini skirt, you're not coming in here, buddy. You're out the door.