(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I mean seriously so I got when I was in I think it was in sixth grade I got the most improved player because I had no idea about anything about football so it took me about two or three games before I kind of started understanding what was going on I just was like we're hitting people and you know running out for Pat like I have no idea what I'm doing but then I just like something clicked in me and they put me on the defensive line in a practice one day and I just they couldn't stop me they couldn't keep me out of the backfield and I was the coach was like this a little Italian guy and he cussed a lot but uh and he wore those little short football shorts with the whistle and like the tucked in shirt he was just you know he's all mad but he was mad because I was destroying his offensive line and I was head faking them and I was like just getting to the quarterback and sacking him like every play and I don't know what happened I just like realized hey this is all I got to do is just like cause havoc and then and then so the guy that was the owner of the team he was one of the coaches too but he wasn't the head coach and he would just like walk up and go animal but the reason I got the point of telling that story is the reason why I got that award is because I sucked at the first part of the season I didn't know what I was doing and then at the end I was like one of the all-stars on the team so you know commendations are something that are a big deal so when Paul's writing this commendation look at verse 1 it says I commend unto you Phoebe our sister which is a servant of the church which is at Centria and so this is a church that was obviously established I think this is where and I think this this is just like a small house church but anyway this this lady Phoebe it's the only time her name is mentioned in the Bible but she is at this church and then so he's who's Paul writing this letter to he's writing it to the Romans isn't he there's a there's a church or churches in Rome and he wants to tell him hey I'm commending you to her she's a great Christian if she shows up at the church hey verse 2 that you receive her in the Lord has become a Saints and that he assists her and whatsoever business she hath need of you for she hath been a securer of many and of myself also so Paul's just saying that look this is a great lady receive her if she comes to church receive her and she's someone that's to be commended she's not like a you know every obviously all Christians are equal I'm not saying they're not but some people do more than others okay and that's just a fact that's why she's being commended so that word securer means someone who gives help and it's not just someone that just gives help but someone gives help in the time of need someone that's a recover of somebody that's maybe sick maybe they're going through a hard time when I looked at some of the definitions that said saver rescuer there was someone that's that's that helps somebody but it's somebody that helps somebody in a time of need like sometimes someone just comes along and helps me in the ministry and it's just like that I needed that person right when they came and so there's a lot of people in this church that I would command I command everybody in here everybody goes so any in this church and I think that everybody is stellar Christians that go to this church but but you know it says that she was a securer of many and myself also I think that she was probably a great soul winner I think a lot of her business was probably going and helping people obviously she helped Paul and helped Paul it says of secure of many and myself also well Paul went through some beat downs in his life didn't he maybe she's the one that patched him up a couple times who knows but whatever the reason is Paul's commending her as a great Christian and there's nothing wrong with saying hey that person's a great Christian as long as you're not patting yourself on the back that's alright see feed me didn't say hey Paul get out of the way I'm coming to see you guys I'm a great Christian you know she that's not what's happening here