(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So point number one is our methods don't build the church except the Lord build the house They labor in vain that build it so you can do all you want But if you're doing it in the flesh, you're not doing it in the spirit Then God is not going to build that church, you know, and the church right here is small right now But it's gonna get bigger But we got to continue to maintain the principles found in the Word of God or God won't build it You know, there's things that God sometimes God removes churches from being a true proper church and he removes the candlestick away Because why because they're not doing so many right because they lost their first love which is the Lord Jesus Christ and they stopped Going out and reaching the lost how many churches today in this town are gonna go out so winning today How many you guys know you live here? Why are you here right now? Because there's not a decent soul winning church in this town probably or at least they're not aligned with what you believe I can't say there's no good church in this town But there's no church that you want to go to because you're here today, right? All right. So but the Lord is the one that builds the church. He makes that very clear and Other churches try to do it their own way and that's why they're weak. That's why they're failing That's why they're falling into perdition They're letting all these stinking Calvinists in to their church and they're letting all these repent of your sins people in their churches and they're letting all these Lordship salvation people in their churches half the time. You don't even know what anybody believes You know, you can go to this section and they believe in lordship salvation This section is repent of your sins. These people are saved. These people are like Jehovah's Witnesses or something. You don't even know You don't know what you're walking into when you walk into an old IFB church or some community church Right, you just don't know