(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Anyway, God makes rules about borders and property and laws and commandments and conduct, et cetera. And again, when you continuously step over the lines all the time, you have a serious issue and a massive flaw in your character. It's gotten quiet there. But it's true. If that's you, then you have a flaw in your character that you need to fix. Flaws can be fixed, right? Most flaws can be fixed. And look, I'm not trying to beat people up today. I'm just trying to tell you that the Bible does make it very clear that there's lines we just don't cross. There's borders we don't jump into. Even if it's bad guys. Well, maybe some of this, I'm not gonna go to T.D. Jake's house and say, well, just because he's a false prophet, I'm just gonna cross into his land and take whatever I want. It's still not yours. That's the point.