(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right. Pastor Thompson, you are here. So did you just fly in this afternoon? I did. Excellent. How was your trip? It was okay. I had a little issue with the rental car place, but other than that, it was good. Which rental car place did you go to? Was it Fox? No. I saw the line for Fox. It was pretty bad. We must have chose Fox. No, not this time. We did Fox one time and it was the same thing. Never do it again. Little commercial against Fox rental cars. Yes. See folks, never go there. It's not worth it. I went to a place that was the first time they were ever opened today. Some van rental place. And I didn't realize it, but you can tell it was their first day. So it was bad. But anyway, I'm here. So happy. Excited. Yeah. So what do you think about the first missions conference out here? I'm super excited. I'm pumped all over the world. Yeah. Pumped. Have you talked to any other countries yet? Uh, Oscar, uh, Oscar, Peter Bogart, South Africa. Yeah. Well, great. So what's happening up at your foundation? Any, any news from out there? Yeah. Yeah. Everything's going great. We just had like five families move there just recently. We've had a lot of births and stuff like that. So doing great at soul winning and everything's just, uh, going fantastic. So what's the weather like there this time of year? It's raining, raining, cats and dogs. I looked at the forecast here and it was like sun all week. And then I was like, I'm not going to miss this place for the week. Yeah. Yeah. No, we've actually had a really easy winter so far in Illinois up until about the last week or so. It got really cold. We got some snow ice, but it has, it's been a real easy winter. And so while it's cold, it's been, it's nice to kind of get to escape from it, but I can't really complain. Yeah. We've had, we've had a pretty easy winter actually too. We've had a couple of scares last week. They were saying, it's going to snow, it's going to snow on that. Doesn't so. Yeah. So did you get a chance to see deported yet? I did. What'd you think about it? That was great. Well, I, I'd made a couple of clips about when pastor Anderson first came to our church and he had just gotten back from Botswana and he was preaching in that, uh, shirt, the Jubilee shirt, whatever. So I made a few clips of that. And then Paul popped on my Facebook and says, did you watch it yet? And I was like, no, I was waiting for the premiere, but I couldn't help myself. I had to watch it. So that's good. Uh, well, I didn't let anybody else watch it. So my family will be surprised. So, all right. It's great. So let's talk about this missions conference. So missions, this is something that I'm really interested in this conference. One of the reasons I wanted to be here, of course, I've always loved missions and, uh, been somebody who supports missionaries, but at the same time, I've been kind of disappointed in the typical performance of the missionary today. It seems like there's something broken in the system there. And I think it's amazing what just this church has been able to do with missions, you know, just because one, the impact it has online, but then the trips that they've taken, uh, the groups they've kind of helped get started with the soul winning and, you know, what they're doing here works. So it's, I'm here to just kind of learn and try to pick up on some of these things because, uh, you know, our church, you know, while we've always cared about missions, uh, you know, we don't, we can't really afford to just shovel money towards what I heard pastor Boyle referred him as vacationaries not one time. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm excited too. I'm actually here to learn. I told my church family that I'd be back to teach them what I've learned, the knowledge I've learned. Cause I mean, there's a lot of things that go into a major missions trip. And fortunately I had brother Ryan Gallagher plan our last one that was to Hawaii. So, and he did a great job, but, uh, I can't take him on my next one. So I figured I'd better, uh, learn from people that have already done it, uh, several times. And maybe I can not make mine a total train wreck when I do my, we're talking about doing, we're thinking about doing one to Mexico. We've got a lot of people in our church that are learning Spanish. And right now we got like, I don't know, 10 people that can give the gospel in Spanish. So, uh, they're begging me to, to do a trip soon. So I figured I'd learn. I brought some of them down with me so that they're, uh, excited too. I got my two daughters and my son-in-law's coming. My two grandkids are coming. So, and then we have another brother from our church coming and some, we have evangelist, uh, when Winfield Fisher's here with his family, they're going to be at the whole conference. So good. Yeah. Yeah. I'm here to learn too. Uh, I said, it's something I, I want to know, do we're actually, um, wanting to do a soloing trip to an Indian reservation in Northern Wisconsin, uh, probably the closest one to us. And so I want to hear what they have to say here. And then what we're planning on doing is making, uh, taking a small group from our church and just kind of do like a survey trip up there just to kind of see what it's like, get an idea of the layout, you know, see how receptive it is. And then, uh, then plan a big one. There's what we're wanting to do, but also, you know, I just want to help, you know, learn more too. You know, I'm planning on taking some trips to other countries this year, just trying to help some of these groups get started and, you know, help them thrive where they're at and see people save. So, so yeah, I'm here to learn. I don't have all the answers when it comes to what needs to be done. I've always just been everything I've ever done has really been in Illinois. You know, I know Illinois, but as far as the rest of the world, don't know much. So I'm excited about what these folks have to offer. Well, Chicago's like a foreign country. Yeah. It's like a war zone. Yeah. Tell people what you thought about it. I know you got to see it. I thought it was great. And, uh, I was really surprised, but, uh, about a lot of the different details about it, but, uh, I don't want to spoil anything, but there's a part that I was talking to you about last night on the phone. Can I say, there's a, there's a part where, uh, um, they're stealthily trying to get to this car and all of a sudden the alarms. Oh, sorry. The alarm, the alarms all go off. And it's just, uh, to me, it was probably not a funny part to most people, but I thought it was hilarious because you're just, anyway, I don't want to spoil the whole thing, but all right. So I'm going to get out of here. I'm boot. I'm boot. All right. Well, thank you. I gave away too much. I see it. I see it in his eyes.