(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I mean it's just everything just waxing worse and worse and worse and just seems like our society is just denigrating itself just so fast and so quick I mean it's the consequences of allowing reprobate just walk up and down the streets unchecked. No one is gonna say that our society as a whole is getting better it's waxing worse and worse and just things are deteriorating now in the midst of that though here's the truth you can still flourish in the desert you know when you come to Phoenix there is vegetation that's flourishing the cactus and you know the palm tree and you know a handful of things but there's lots of other stuff that's just dying and just being destroyed and the Sun is just just massacring and just melting and it's just you know all kinds of stuff looks really bad but then there's some things there's a little plant it's just like having a good old time you know some shrub out here that just loves the heat and whatever sucking up all the water and here's the reality us as Christians we can be that little palm tree that lives in Phoenix we can be that little shrub that you're thinking like how is that thing not dying how did that just flower and it's because you're constantly drinking from the well of Jesus Christ and that's where you're getting your satisfaction not from the things of this world not from the things of this life and notice in Psalm 63 he says hey my soul thirsted for thee I'm not worried about the things of this life I'm not worried about the carnal things in this life no no no I get my satisfaction I get my joy from the Lord Jesus Christ from the Bible from the things of God