(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) He also said in verse 21 that they did not do the will of my father, okay? So let's go to John chapter 6 for a moment go to John chapter number 6 and see what that is now an unsaved person or False teachers what they like to do is they like to read that passage and they say all these people weren't good enough To get into heaven they say all these people they claim to do all these wonderful things But they weren't doing the true will of God they weren't really serving him and doing enough good works notice They were too sinful. You know they were doing too much evil. They were workers of iniquity well We should let the Bible. Tell us what the will of Father is number one okay, and then number two Everyone's too sinful to make it into heaven, so that's that's you're kind of in trouble there right, but look at John chapter 6 verse 40 and This is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see at the Sun and believeth on him may have Everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day now how many works are mentioned in verse number 40 None, so what is it that they did not do they did not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved You say what do you mean? They're calling him Lord? How do they not believe? That's because your definition of belief is incompatible with the Bible's definition of belief, okay? Believing in the Bible does not mean you acknowledge Christ's existence It does not mean that you recognize that he is the Son of God of the Lord No to believe in Jesus Christ means you're trusting him to get you into heaven Because if you're standing at the gates and Christ is saying why should I let you in you say because you died for me Because you bled for me because you were buried and you rose again And I put my faith in you to get me into heaven and then Christ will say you're right, and he's gonna let you in Because the Bible says whosoever believeth should not perish, but everlasting life Jesus Christ made it clear whosoever liveth and believeth and me shall never die believeth now this So the Bible makes it clear the one thing you have to do is trust in him What would be the opposite of that trusting your own righteousness and notice when these people aren't let in? Christ says I never knew you Meaning also the fact that once he knows you you're saved these people were never saved It wasn't like they lost their salvation they became too sinful and the reality is you can't do enough right to get into heaven Go to Luke chapter number 18 Luke chapter number 18 Now who it would be out there that would claim the name of Christ that thinks they can do enough right To get into heaven this would be your Catholic your Catholic thinks that they can do enough right to get into heaven and when you go and you knock doors and you talk to People and you run into Catholics and you ask them why they're going to heaven they will point to their works They will point to the fact they go to church or their catechism or the fact They're a good person or all the good that they do Oh, I've been in church. I go to church. I go to confession. In fact, I ran into a Catholic Pastor he was like He was an archbishop. Okay, which is kind of a high up position within the Catholic structure okay, this guy was an archbishop over an entire region and I said if you were to die today, you're 100% sure you go to heaven He said yes, and I said why he said cuz I had a really good confession today And I'm like, how's that gonna get you in? You know, oh look at like I confess really well You know Lord and again the Catholic will point to what he does and this is a wrong mentality If you think you're getting into heaven based on some righteousness that you've done You'll never make it you have to change your mind about even what it takes to get into heaven Look at Luke chapter 18 verse 10 Two men went up in the temple to pray the one a Pharisee and the other publican the Pharisee stood and prayed thus with Himself God, I thank thee that I'm not as other men are extortioners and just Adulters or even as this publican I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all that I possess And the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes into heaven But smote upon his breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner I tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted himself Shall be abased and he that humbled of himself shall be exalted notice We have two guys praying one is praying and congratulating himself on how wonderful he is on how righteous He is how he's better than this other guy that's next to him and then he points to what the stuff that he does Oh, I fast. Oh, I tithe he's pointing to his good works He's pointing to his righteousness and notice what Christ says. Hey, if you exalt yourself, you'll be abased But the guy that humbles himself and says, you know, I need mercy, you know, he's asking the Lord to just save him notice He's the one that's justified He's the one that gets into heaven and when we looked at our first example of those people Standing for Christ did they humble themselves or they magnifying themselves? They were exalting themselves. Oh, I prophesied in thy name Oh, I cast out devil. Oh, I did many wonderful works. Look at the quantifier They said it was wonderful because they just have to really emphasize they didn't just do what they didn't do works They did wonderful works. I mean because they're just such a wonderful person. They're so great. They're so So much of a righteous person go to Matthew chapter 19 Matthew chapter 19, but notice again this philosophy of trusting in your righteousness will not get you saved It will not justify you you won't enter in the kingdom of heaven If you think your righteousness has anything to do with getting to heaven you're not saved