(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Wonder how much money spent on prescription drugs. It was 150 billion for illicit 500 billion on prescription drugs on the legal drugs, okay Look the the guy that goes and works at the little clinic. He should be riding, you know with some 20-inch rims He's the real pimp. He's the real guy getting rich off of everybody Just because he can pay the government to make his drug legal and your drugs not legal Look, it's it's silliness and look obviously some prescription drugs have some legitimacy and some people have issues And I get that but you should take drugs very sparingly and it should be for very specific medical reasons Not just why I hurt a little bit. We'll take drugs It's like no You know, don't just take drugs just because you're in pain, you know That would be the same as me just ripping out the gas gauge of my truck when it's not on full It doesn't make it, you know when people feel pain and they just basically take Tylenol that doesn't fix anything That doesn't fix any of your problems. Okay, and the gauge on your car Ripping out the gas meter doesn't fix how much gas you have in the car Okay by saying well it says it's empty, but I'm just gonna rip that e out, you know I'm gonna turn that light off. I'm gonna rip that gauge off doesn't give you more gas in the tank It's telling you there's a problem and look when you have problems physically It's your body saying you have problems Okay, and if you didn't feel pain, let me tell you something you would destroy yourself very quickly You would kill yourself. You wouldn't even realize it You'd put your hand in fire and you'd burn it off and you wouldn't even realize that what's happening You know pain can be a very good thing and pain is a very useful thing, but people constantly want to turn pain off with drugs But they don't want to address the problem that they have It's like why haven't slept for three days and I haven't eaten anything and I have a horrible headache. It's like Take a nap, you know, why don't you get some sleep? You know, why don't you eat healthy food? Why don't you get some exercise? Why don't you you know, it used to be that doctors would tell you Well, why don't you get some sleep? Why don't you eat some healthy food? Why don't you get some exercise? But you know people didn't want to do that So now it's just drug, you know You go to the doctor and what's expected to get some kind of a prescription paper of some kind of a drug Even though it'll fix nothing It'll do nothing and then they just put you as soon as you have an adverse reaction what do they do they put you on a different drug and Then after that drug, they're not interested in fixing your problem because they're gonna lose a customer Just like the marijuana dealer. He's not interested in fixing your problem He wants you to get addicted to marijuana So you'll keep by me and then as soon as the marijuana wears off a little bit and it's not as strong as it used To be well now he's got a new one He's got a speedball for you And then as soon as the speedball wears off then he's got Illicit cocaine or he's got he's got whatever the next drug the next layer the next level and they're no different than these Prescription pimps out here these other type of doctors and look you can just waste money on trying to chase pain away But it's not gonna it's not gonna necessarily work And I'm not against modern medicine I'm not a get hey if you're sick go see a doctor and I'm not saying that I wouldn't take drugs in a particular reason I didn't take in, you know headache medicine from time to time, but you have to realize that you're not fixing anything It's just it's just basically turning off the it's just causing the problem to not be a severe for some reason You need to either like drink some water Or take a nap or eat some food And you need to figure out what's the real problem? What's the real issue? Hey the check engine light coming on. It's not like well, let's turn that thing off It's like let's figure out what's going on with your car. I get some manufacturers Just make it come on or whatever, but that's a different sermon at a different time