(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The new living translation. This one is complete trash. Go to John chapter 7. John chapter 7 in your Bible. Now in John chapter number 7 Jesus Christ is being harassed by his family. His family doesn't believe in him. His family doesn't support his ministry and in John chapter number 7 verse 8 the Bible says go ye up unto this feast. I go not up yet unto this feast for my time is not yet full come. So Jesus Christ is not able to just go around in public because if he did people might kill him because people didn't like Jesus. I know that's like contrary to what most people teach. Jesus was so unpopular that just going out in public people would just kill him. So he had to go around and kind of hide himself a little bit. He's kind of like a fugitive on the run a little bit. And so he couldn't just openly go up to this feast so they would just kill him and he had to die on the cross. So he had to die a very specific way. So he says hey you guys go up, but I'm not going up yet. Okay, listen what this Bible says. It says in verse number 8 You go on. I'm not going to this festival because my time is not yet come. Now this is a problem. Why? If I told you hey, I'm not going to church tonight and then you saw me at church what would you think? That I lied, right? I mean you it's that's a lie. If I say hey, I'm not going to church tonight guys. You're like, what are you doing at church? In the same book verse 10 This is what it says, but after his brothers left for the festival Jesus also went. That's an important word yet, isn't it? To say hey, I'm not going up yet to this feast. But this Bible just takes it out. That means that Jesus lied. Why would I want to have a Bible that's making Jesus a liar? How could I not burn a book that's calling Jesus Christ a liar today? Yet people get so offended. How about Romans chapter number 16? If you needed any of more examples from this book, I hate this book. This book is wicked. Saying that Jesus lied. Oh, it's just semantics. Yeah, well, I care about semantics when it's implying our Lord and Savior lying. Since the Bible says it's impossible for God to lie. Since the Bible is saying that there's no unrighteousness in him. Romans chapter 16 verse number 1 Now in your Bible, it calls Phoebe a servant. Listen to this one. I commend to you our sister Phoebe, who is a deacon in the church in Centria. It calls a woman a deacon in this book. The Bible says deacon is supposed to be the husband of one wife. How did that work out? How does that even make any sense today? I wonder who wrote this book? Probably a woman. And look, a lot of women are on these translating committees for these books, for these Bibles. I'm surprised that that got in there, huh?