(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The New Testament gives some light on the situation of vowing or swearing or else no Says in Matthew chapter number five look at verse number 33 again You have heard that have been said of by them of old time that thou shall not forswear thyself Thou shall perform under the Lord thine oaths But I say to you swear not at all neither by heaven for it is God's throne Nor by the earth for it is his footstool neither by Jerusalem for did the great for it is the city of the great King Neither shalt they'll serve by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black But let your communication be yea yea nay nay for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil So in Matthew chapter 5 the Lord Jesus Christ is expounding upon the law and not as the only expanding He's like expanding upon it. He's not just expounding He's expanding upon the law and he's teaching things like hey, you've heard that you shouldn't kill Well, let me tell you this don't even hate your brother. Hey, you've heard don't commit adultery I say don't even look upon a woman with the lust in your heart He's just basically saying not only should you not commit physical acts of adultery and murder you shouldn't even just hate people He's basically showing them that they're sinners Because why they think they're righteous just because they haven't killed anybody Just because they haven't kid admitted adultery and that's what most people believe Most people believe hey, do you know if you go to heaven? Yeah. I'm a good person. I mean, I haven't killed anybody I haven't committed adultery this week, you know, I haven't done anything too bad You know, I haven't robbed a thousand banks, you know, I'm not a serial killer. I'm not a serial rapist It's like is that really the ticket into heaven? No, and so he's trying to prove to the Jews that they're sinful now in verse number 33 He says that you're supposed to perform under the Lord. Thy nose Is now what we've read off so far. Isn't that what the Bible's been constantly teaching now? What is it the first swear for swear is to go back on your oath to break your oath? So he's saying you've heard it said not to break oaths, but to keep your oaths Okay. Now is Jesus gonna now teach but I say break your vows, you know Humble yourselves and don't keep those foolish vows No Okay, just like he didn't say you've heard that have been said thou should not kill but I say murder people, you know That's not what Jesus did. Okay. He took a common teaching or basically the most extreme version of a teaching and Expanded upon it and brought it into more light. Okay, so not only does God say you should keep your vows He says this Jesus saying I say don't even swear though Okay, if you're gonna if you're gonna make a promise if you're gonna accept somebody's, you know Prep, you know a proposition you shouldn't then invoke some kind of a swear or some kind of an oath or go over the top and Accepting some type of vow. Okay now We marry people this church and let me say this you have marriage vows Do I believe that marriage vows are beautiful? Yes You know, it would not be biblical is when while making the marriage value starts swearing Okay. Now some people get confused because they talk about Peter, you know, and Peter denied that he knew Christ. He was swearing Okay, what does that mean? He wasn't using four-letter words my friend, okay He just wasn't saying no, I don't he's saying like I swear to God I've never seen the man That's what it means to swear to curse to say hey God kill me if I've ever seen him. He would have been Elaborating or going over the top and and denying that he had never seen him not just admitting no or nay I've never seen him or yay or whatever would be the correct response And so that's why it's saying, you know neither by heaven for it is God's throne That's me. Like I swear to heaven, you know, or they say I swear on heaven I swear, you know that Jerusalem is Babylon, you know I know that Jerusalem is Babylon more than I know I'm going to heaven. It's like whoa That's swearing Did you not realize that that's bad? Jesus said don't do that You can't make sure if you're going to heaven based on that. It's your faith in Jesus Christ. You can't change that It's God's throne nor by the earth, you know swearing something on the earth or it says is for instance foots Hold neither by Jerusalem. Maybe someone should read that one Or it is the city of the great king neither said those who are they had people like I swear on all the hairs of My head, you know and it's like for Jason. That's easy But it's just saying don't invoke something above yay or nay and Look, it does not have to be a literal yay. It could be yes Okay, and If you give a very affirmative answer that is not swearing if I say absolutely not that is not me swearing Okay, or some people would accuse me of this, you know when I was talking about JD Greer The false prophet for the southern bastard convention who gets up there and is saying do you welcome? LGBTQ into your church and I was preaching I said no and he's like do you welcome them into your house? And I was like hell no and then people will falsely accuse me and they say oh you're swearing First of all, you don't understand what swearing is. Okay. I'm not swearing on hell that I'm not gonna do it I'm just giving you a more absolute. No I'm just saying no with a little bit more authority and a little bit clearer answer like Definitely not. Okay. It's not saying I didn't and I literally say in that sermon. What do you want me to say? nay, and Then that's really what people want you to do You're like, ah, I can't really look. This is not saying don't cuss you know where the that's you know where the Bible says don't cuss and opinions chapter 1 That's where it's at okay, so you can go read it whenever you want But what is this thing? It's also not saying don't promise It's not saying you could never promise anything if someone says hey, will you go to the bank for me? Maybe I Don't want to swear, you know, you could say yes Hey, if someone asks you something, you can still promise them to do something. It's saying when someone asks you Hey, have you been going around teaching oneness? I promise on everything that I haven't That's swearing one time. I promise somebody's life promise on everything I know You know what the righteous person would say no That's what I mean, it's saying when someone asks you something or someone's trying to get you to you know Give them some kind of affirmation you just say no or you say yes when people start going these over the top I promise on everything. I swear to God and my mother's grave and all these different things. You're like this person's lying Why did they do that because they feel like they they have to believe it themselves They have to try and you know Convince you that they're not lying to you That's why they start invoking on the person that knows they're telling the truth doesn't feel that need they just say no. Yes