(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Another verse look at verse 25 But there was none like an Aab which did sell himself to work wickedness and the sight of the Lord whom Jezebel his wife stirred up so notice who caused Aab to sin so much it was his wife But how do you stop this how do you quit being a henpeck man say no Tell the wife no say no to her now I looked up an article and it was 12 signs of how to tell if you're henpecked all right So let me help you, okay? Number one if you're the man you agree with everything your wife says you should say no There's some men they're afraid to contradict their wife. That's how you know your henpeck all right number two The decisions are made by her just like Jezebel right sometimes you have to say oh, that's your decision no And not out of spite okay point number three of this article henpeck men don't want to go home Maybe that's why you know and this is a speculation Maybe the reason why Aab wanted a whole nother house get away from home He needed another house, okay, that's just speculation number four they're abused There's Like huge statistics on men being abused by their wife look they're the weaker vessel They should not be abusing you okay, but it could be like verbal or mental abuse too. I guess number five He has to carefully choose his tone and words around her Why because if you use the wrong tone look you should be able to say no to your wife You should be able to correct your wife. You're in charge Well, I don't like your tone. You know what have you said that your boss at work? You're late to work, and he's like. Why are you late? I don't like your tone, sir Sounds like a faggot is what it sounds like You know you just say you're right. Yes, sir You know why don't women you know if women worked in the workplace and their boss told them that you know corrected them or told Them no, they'd be like okay. Yes, but if their husband does now they have to resist now. It's okay to be like I like your time. I know what he says right, but I just don't like it. You know well start liking it Because I see a lot of examples where they should have been told no I mean what do you want a bastard kid where your husband commits adultery like Abraham that was a bad decision? Number six the money isn't his The Money isn't his that's how you're heading back. You know you know the money is this spent in our house However, I deemed it to be spent. It's my money Number seven he's unhappy all the time He's unhappy all the time he's in fact You know what you shouldn't let your life be dictated by your wife that seems like a abs always unhappy well if you're married to her I don't know what there would be they'd be happy about number eight you have no hobbies You don't have any personal interests You know and you don't have to have like a woodworking hobby, but maybe your hobby soul-winning You know there's men. They're afraid to have the hobby of soul-winning because of their wife They're afraid to have a hobby of reading the Bible or serving God or hey riding their boat I don't care going golfing going and doing something for themselves You know what a henpecked man doesn't get to make decisions for himself No friends Hey, if you can't have friends well who you gonna hang out with me or your friends my friends Hey, it's a guy's night. Hey, we're gonna go do other stuff. You know what the henpecked man doesn't have friends number 10 He's afraid to lose her And you know what again. This is where they use the manipulation technique well if you do this Then I'll leave you or I'll divorce you or I won't do things for you that are required a marriage or whatever It is they'll threaten their position. They'll put threat look. I'm not willing to be threatened. Yeah, I don't negotiate with terrorists all right and The person that's in charge. I mean the This only works in unions You know in the workplace if you work at a normal place if Dylan comes to me It's like hey if you make the decision. I'm quitting. It's like you're fired It's like sorry okay, I know who's you know it's not the the tail wagging the dog here Okay, and if you tell your boss hey if you do this. I'm gonna. I'm gonna quit. It's like see you later, buddy I remember there was a guy He was a friend of my brother, and he was talking about he was unhappy at his job And he felt like he deserved a promotion So he decided to tell his boss that That I deserve I need a promotion or I'm gonna have to quit as bosses said okay. Well. Here's your pink slip That's how you feel look you don't tell your boss what to do You know what the boss is supposed to make the decisions, and you know what it's not for a wife to threaten Her position all leave then well now you're sinning That's your problem. You know what a man should not be intimidated by a woman threatening to leave You should still stand your ground and say nope you're not leaving is I'm gonna. I'm gonna keep you locked up. Yeah Why do you think Rapunzel is up in the top of the tall tower with such long hair? I don't know Number 11 He's different when she's gone It's like he's normal and relaxed and feels good, but whatever she shows I gotta go guys she just showed up Number 12 he cheats and lies and you know he has the lie specifically to her Why because he's afraid of telling her the decisions that he made? Here's my 13th bonus point is He has to ask permission Hey, can you do this? I don't know I have to ask my wife if it's okay I'll have to see if she's okay with that You know sometimes I double-check with my wife because I triple and double-booked myself all the time all right I'm like have we scheduled anything already, but you know what I'm not gonna ask her permission What I'm gonna do Here's another one. This is a third There's another bonus point when you're just sitting in your car for hours waiting for her to come out You're henpecked you're supposed to be in charge here. Hey tell your wife to start getting ready earlier You know I've heard guys sit there and brag about that. I'm like. What are you talking about? That's sick