(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The fruit of women ministries is feminism. It's women leaving their husband, disobeying their husband, attacking their husband, not having children, going out and getting a job, going and getting a career, getting a short haircut. Look, stop cutting your hair. It's like, it's a trim, okay, but just don't cut it too short. It's gross. I remember there was a girl I liked all through junior high and like in middle school and stuff, and then she got a haircut and it was over. She got this stupid dyke haircut. I'm just thinking like, you're ugly now. Like, how could you be the most attractive girl in our school and then just be completely repulsive with just scissors? But it happens, I'll tell you. And it's funny because even, there was a TV show, it was Disney Channel, don't watch this. There was a girl, she was playing this role, and I guess Disney's always trying to push this transgender little crap or whatever. There was this like, Disney made for only movie or something, only TV movie or something. It was like, kids that were doing dirt biking or something. But this girl couldn't enter the competition or something like that, so she gets a boy haircut to enter the competition. And like, she was super attractive, but then she gets this boy haircut and she was ugly as sin. And I was just thinking like, man, just the impact of just this one decision. Sorry, that was my little rant.