(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) What does the Apostle Paul believe is going to get him to heaven? Only his hope in Christ. Notice, he doesn't have a backup plan. He's not saying, well, I'm hoping in Christ, but I'm also going to do my part just in case. He says, look, if Christ is not raised, then I'm doomed. Then I'm damned. Why? Because my only hope is in Christ. Why? Because the only thing that saves you is hope in Christ alone and faith alone in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's what saves you. That's how you know that you're saved is you put your hope only in Jesus Christ. Even if he's not risen from the dead, well, then what hope have we? He says we're the most miserable. He says our lives, there is nothing good about it. There was nothing that I did. The only thing I did was preach the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That was my whole life was about him. It was about his life and being saved by his life. Whosever shall lose his life shall find it. Notice that they didn't go out and do anything about themselves. It was all about him. If you're not saved, you need to put your only hope in him and be saved. Ask someone in this room and make sure that you're only trusting in Christ. And if you are only trusting in Christ, you can know you're saved. Think about one of the most famous verses that we love to quote, you know, first John 5 13. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe in the name of the son of God. And why does he say that? Because either you know, you have eternal life because you're believing in him or you don't either, you know, you're saved or you're not saved. Why? Because realizing it's all about him, then guess who you're going to believe in him. My only hope is in him. So you may believe in the name of what does it mean to believe? Your only hope is in Christ. If your hope is in anything other than Christ, you're not believing in Jesus Christ, you're not saved. To be saved, you must put all of your faith in Jesus Christ. And that's how you can know you're saved because it's about his life. Someone says, Hey, are you sure you go to heaven? Yeah, I'm saved by his life.