(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Go over to 1st Corinthians chapter 14, just flip the page, you know another place in 1st Corinthians 9, the King James says, I keep under my body and bring it into subjection. Then IV says, no, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave. That's different. It's like literally teaching you to beat yourself up. I mean, you really, and look, they used the NIV, they said, this is for kids. Do you really want to hand a Bible to your kids and say, this is the word of God, do exactly what it says, and the reason is like, strike yourself. It's like, this is weird. That doesn't even make sense, make my body my own slave? What does that even mean? I thought I was already in control of myself. How does that even work? 1st Corinthians chapter 14, read verse 14. For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. So he's saying, if I were able to pray in a foreign language, someone handed me a prayer in Mandarin, and I could somehow read that out loud, it would mean nothing to me, cuz I can't understand Mandarin. If it was another foreign language, and I could just try to butcher the words on the page, it wouldn't be beneficial to me. And so the Bible's making it clear that we're supposed to pray in a language that we understand. God wants us to pray things that we know, and things that we understand, and have the full comprehension of. Let me read you this in the New King James, cuz it's new. For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. It doesn't say unknown tongue, it says tongue. The NIV says tongue, the NISB says tongue. Well, I guess the Charismaniacs love all the versions then. Cuz they love this, they love to, oh, I speak in tongues. Well, look, if you speak, you use your tongue, but guess what? You know, the gibberish doesn't count. The gibberish is still not making any sense, buddy. Go to 2 Corinthians chapter number 2, 2 Corinthians chapter number 2. I could do this all day long. But one thing's real clear, you know, the King James is real precise. It's telling you exactly what God wants you to do, whereas the modern versions add confusion. The modern versions say, you know, and I'm not even talking about all the facts where they say, you know, this one's not in the original, or don't ignore this verse, or, you know, in Mark chapter number 16, when you get to verse number 9, it's just like, well, there's this huge break, and it just says, well, this wasn't really any of the reliable manuscripts. Reliable? So you're saying, we found an unreliable manuscript, and then we just add it, tacked it onto the Word of God. How could you believe that in reference to all the verses I've already showed you? What kind of nonsense would that be? And if you take those verses out, you don't have the resurrection in Mark chapter number 16, and the whole gospel, you don't have the resurrection. I feel like that's important. 2 Corinthians chapter 2, verse 15, the Bible says, For we are unto God a sweet saver of Christ, and them that are saved, and in them that perish. Here's the New King James. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved, and among those who are perishing. That sounds like works to me. And you know what, all the modern versions say being saved there, virtually. Let me show you another one here. Go to Hebrews chapter 3, go to Hebrews chapter number 3. I've got two more I want to show you real quick. Hebrews chapter number 3, look at verse number 16, the Bible reads, For some, when they had heard, did provoke, howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses. So the Bible's telling us that in the Old Testament, virtually all the children of Israel rebelled, but not all of them. Because Joshua didn't, and Caleb didn't. Here, let me read this for you in the New King James. For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses? The New King James says, was it not all? How about this, NIV, were they not all that Moses led out of Egypt? Now that's a contradiction, because we can clearly find other places in scripture where it says that Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, it says that he'd never disobeyed the Lord. He says, I wholly follow the Lord my God. But wait a minute, I thought when we were reading all these verses, it's telling us it wasn't any errors, there was no mixture of error. How can I have an NIV or a New King James or one of these when this has literal internal contradictions saying one thing and then the opposite? Go to 1 John chapter 3, 1 John chapter number 3. Look, I need a Bible that's not contradicting itself all over the place. I need a Bible that's trustworthy. I need a Bible that's specific today. You know, I don't want to walk around the world. You know, I don't want the next guy to, you know, I don't want to build a house and ask all the construction workers, can you use this instead of a measuring tape? Because I'm going to have some five-pound walls, whatever that is. I have some 80-coil walls. Can you imagine the guy? Hey, what's the measurement to cut this board? 80 coils. Okay. Elijah's there, he's like... That's the insanity of these churches using modern versions. I'm just illustrating how stupid and foolish it is today. And we laugh. That's how silly it is. 1 John chapter 3, look at verse 9. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin. For as he remaineth in him, he cannot sin because he is born of God. Let me read for you the NIV. No one who is born of God will continue to sin. It also says they cannot go on sinning. How about the NASB? No one who is born of God practices sin. Practices? Who in here is practicing sin? And you say, well, this is silly. Nobody would go to that type of passage and believe that. Well, I literally sat on a plane next to a pastor of a large, several thousand Pentecostal church, and he taught me the doctrine of practicing sin for a while, for like 20 minutes. Then I preached him the gospel, and he was like, oh, I already believe that. I was like, oh, okay. No, you didn't. And I'm going to say, well, how do I know I don't practice sin? Because I said the Bible says a lot of foolishness is sin, and I'm honest with myself. I feel like I'm practicing that one. And he's like, well, yeah, but I mean, I just think if you're just trying, and you're just trying to do that which is right, and you're just trying, you know, you have a good heart, who has a good heart? He's like, you'll make it in. And I'm like, but this is like my, you know, destination for the rest of my life, don't I? I kind of want to be sure. I kind of want to be certain. And he's like, well, no one can be certain. How could you know? What is practicing sin? Nobody can even tell you. Look, I grew up under a pastor. His name was Pastor Jimmy Evans of Trinity Fellowship Church. He constantly taught the doctrine of the difference between practicing sin and just a regular sinner. He said those that are saved are not practicing sin. And I remember being so confused. I had no idea what that meant, and they would never tell you. It was the slinky. You practicing sin? You practicers? You're not even saved. And I'm trying to measure my sin with this word practicing. I'm like thinking about my sin. I'm like, where's the practicing line? I'm like, is it practicing? Oops, I don't know. And then you look at your life, you know, and you're five, you're like, well, I'm probably not. Then you get older than five, and you're like, it kind of seems like a teenager, and it's like, whoa. Then you go to college, and it's like, whoa! Practicing sin. It's stupid. You think it's stupid? It is stupid. That's how stupid it is. And you know what? This is what pastors will tell you. You ask these pastors, you know they do their Bible study? Oh, I read all the versions. I use five different slinkies when measuring. And then I pick out the one that the Holy Ghost is leading me. Well, let me tell you what, if you were picking out the one that the Holy Ghost was leading you on, you would be King James only then.