(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Bible gives us a very clear verse here in Isaiah 59 about the preservation of God's Word. Look at verse 21. As for me, this is my covenant with them, saith the Lord, my spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I put in thy mouth so not to part out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth thy seed, nor out of the mouth thy seeds, seed, saith the Lord, from henceforth and forever. So in Isaiah, God says to Isaiah, hey, the words that I put in your mouth, not only are you gonna say them, your children are gonna say them. He says, thy seed. He says, not just your children, thy seed, seed. So your grandchildren. And then you say, well, how is it just them? Like, how long is this gonna last for? Well, he says, not only them, from henceforth, notice, forever. So that tells us that God's Word would not depart out of the mouth of man ever. We have to have the book of Isaiah. We have to have God's Word. And when you don't understand this doctrine of preservation, really, it allows you to have all these weird and strange ideas creep in about the Bible or God's Word. Go to 1 Peter chapter number one, 1 Peter chapter number one. The Bible says in Proverbs, every word of God is pure. He is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar. The Bible gives a strong warning saying, we're not supposed to tamper with God's Word. We're not supposed to alter God's Word, his instructions. And it's very important because in 1 Peter chapter number one, the Bible tells us why this is so important. It says in verse number 23, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever. The Bible says that we were born again by God's Words. So if you tamper with them, if you alter them, if you change them, if you corrupt them, then it's no longer that incorruptible seed. It no longer has the potential or the ability to cause people to bring forth spiritually because it's not God's words. And we cannot be born again of incorruptible seed. We have to be born again of incorruptible, which is specifically the Bible, which is specifically is the Word of God. This is very important. Go if you would to John, go backwards a little bit and go to the book of John chapter number 10 for a moment. And constantly throughout the gospels, Jesus Christ would reference the Bible itself. He would say, as it is written or in Mark, he says, have you not read in the book of Moses? Now think about this logic for a moment. Okay. Let's assume that the originals were lost. Oh, God gave us the Bible and he gave us the originals, but then it got lost because this is what a lot of people believe. A lot of people say, well, of course, the originals are God's word. Of course, man had them then, but then they got lost. Well, how long was it from Moses to Jesus Christ? That's a pretty long time. Imagine them getting lost. Then what sense would it make for Jesus Christ to say, have you not read in the book of Moses? Wouldn't they just say, Jesus, we don't have the originals. We don't know how to read it. We don't know what Moses said. Did they ever come up with that excuse? Did they ever say, we don't know what Moses said? No. Whenever Jesus Christ appealed to the book of Moses, at least back then the Pharisees and the Sadducees, they would at least admit, well, yeah, that is what the book of Moses says. Yeah, that is what the scriptures say. Jesus never appealed to the idea of the scriptures. He appealed to the scriptures themselves as if they had them in their hands. But I'm supposed to believe for the first 4,000 years of human history, we have God's word. It's been preserved. And then we get the most important aspect of the entire Bible, the gospel, the gospels of Jesus Christ. And they get lost. I mean, imagine what, what is God doing? You know, I mean, he said, Hey, I'm going to preserve it from this generation forever. Hey, all the way back from David to Jesus has been preserved all the way from Isaiah to Jesus has been preserved all the way from Moses to Jesus has been reserved. Now he just lost it. What kind of sense does that make? What kind of faith does someone have to have to believe this kind of nonsense? You know, Jesus also said, David himself say in the book of Psalms, this says in John chapter 10, verse 35, if he called them gods under whom the word of God came and the scripture cannot be broken. He's saying, Hey, whatever the Bible says is going to happen. So if God said, he's going to preserve it, it cannot be broken. It has to be preserved. So therefore, if you believe the Bible, any of it, then you have to accept all of it. You cannot pick and choose which pieces of the Bible that you want to accept today. Peter himself said, we are also a more sure word of prophecy, where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shine in the dark place. Even the apostle Peter, he said in comparison to having seen the transfiguration of Jesus Christ, having been in the holy Mount, having Jesus Christ transfigured before his eyes, having seen Moses and Elias speak with Jesus Christ, hearing God, the father speak out of the cloud of heaven saying, this is my beloved son in whom I am. Well, please hear ye him. He says, Hey, you know, what's more trustworthy than all that the Bible, but then they say, Oh, we lost it. You know, it's like, well, Peter didn't feel that way. Peter felt like we have a more sure word. I can trust the Bible more than my own eyesight, my own ears, having seen Jesus Christ transfigured before my eyes, hearing the voice of God, the father. I mean, what physical experience could you have more than that? I mean, he just saw it all. He saw Jesus Christ die on the cross. He saw Jesus Christ rise from the dead. I mean, he saw him risen. He didn't necessarily see the moment, but he saw the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. He talked with them. They had a meal together. He watched him ascend back up into the heavens. Have you ever seen someone fly into heaven? I mean, we're talking about some amazing things. He says, you know, it's more trustworthy than all that the Bible.