(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Verse 5, but to him that worketh not, someone that is not doing any work, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Notice you could literally have zero works and be saved. Verse 6, even meaning specifically as David also describeth the blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth righteousness, I love this phrase, without works. The Bible just hammers, no works, not of works, without works, therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. It has nothing to do with what you do and everything to do with what he did. That's it. And we don't want to pollute it by adding something that we did or what we do or what we will do or what we could do or what we want to do, no. It's just all what he did. That's it. And here's the thing, when it comes to salvation, which type of repentance do we need? Do we need to turn from our sin or do we need to change our mind? We need to change our mind. And stop thinking that it has anything to do with our works and believe only in what he did. That's the only repentance necessary for salvation. Go to Acts chapter number 20. Go to Acts chapter 20. Yet, there's so many doctrinal statements, even of Baptists today, that will pollute salvation with works today. They pollute salvation with works. They add a repentance of sin for salvation today and it's garbage. It's false doctrine, it's heresy, and it's not getting anybody saved. Anybody that teaches this is teaching a false gospel. The Bible says, testifying both to the Jews and also the Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, here's the thing, the Bible often restates things. So when it says repentance towards God, what's equivalent to that? Faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. That's what he's defining repentance for you. He's defining what that repentance looks like or means, specifically. Stop trusting in whatever you're trusting to get you to heaven that's not Jesus and put it all in what Jesus did. That's all it is. Yet, I've looked at a lot of doctrinal statements, this is what they say. Repentance is a persistent turning away from sin. And I say it's turning away, it's persistent. This is from a Baptist church. They say that faith is inseparably united with repentance. Now, here's the thing, properly defined, I agree. But here's the thing, they define for you what repentance is. What was it? A persistent turning away from sin. That would be a what? Faith plus work salvation. Isn't that what everybody, that's what the Catholics believe. That's what every false religion believes, that it's just faith towards God and living the best life that you can possibly live and God will finally get you in there. You ask the Hindu, that's how they get saved. You ask the Muslim, that's how they get saved. You ask the Catholic, that's how they get saved. You ask the Protestant, that's how they get saved. You ask the Baptist today, that's what they say. It's sick. It's gross. They're polluting salvation with works today. Look, it has nothing to do with repenting of your sins and we need preachers to be clear on this issue. Not more confusing. We should never compromise on this issue. And yet there's a lot of Baptists today that are going to compromise on this issue. And you say, how could a church like us compromise on this issue? I'll tell you exactly how they do it. Friends. Friends. Baptist churches want to be friends with another Baptist and guess what this Baptist does? He pollutes salvation with works. So they'll get up and they'll say, well, I know that this preacher gets up and says that salvation is repenting of your sins, but he doesn't really mean it. I wish I had a nickel for every time someone told me they don't really mean what they say. I'd have enough to buy a two by four by now. What's the point of getting up and preaching things that you don't mean? Go to Matthew chapter 12. What if I sat up here and I built an altar that's all hewn stone and I'm like, this is the type of altar that you need and then someone comes up and they're like, well, that's not going to do it. God's not going to be pleased with that. Well, that's not what I meant. It's not unclear. It's either you don't grave it or you do. People that are getting up and saying, oh, you have to repent of your sins to be saved are lying. They're teaching false doctrine. They should be called out. You should separate from these people. You should have nothing to do. But Baptists, they don't want to separate from these people. They don't want to distinguish themselves from these people, so what do they do? They compromise and they say, oh, well, I know he says that, teaches it, and explains it, but that's not what he meant. What? Why would I get up and try to show you a brick that I've carved and say, this is salvation, but I don't really mean it. Just grab one and don't do anything to it. That doesn't even make sense. How can it make sense? The most important doctrine, I'm confusing, I'm polluting, then why are you a preacher? What's the point? You either have the right foundation or nothing, and these preachers that are getting up and being a compromiser and saying, well, yeah, you're attacking good men that are preaching work salvation. Well, they don't wear it that way. You're attacking good men that are confused on repentance. Well, then you're not good. How could you say he's good? How could you say that that's good preaching? Don't compromise. Why do they want to be friends with this person? Because it's political. And let me tell you what, independent fundamental Baptist churches are political today. You say, what, Republican? No, I'm saying within themselves. They're all buddies with a certain Bible college. They're all buddies with a certain area. They want to be invited to certain conferences. They want to have certain guest preachers come to their church. They want to rub shoulders with the right guys. They want to get recognition. They want to have notoriety. They don't want to have to separate from people. They don't want to ruffle feathers. They don't want people to get mad at them. So they compromise on this issue. Why would you compromise on salvation? Why would you get up and rub shoulders with somebody that's teaching a works-based salvation? You're a compromiser. It's wicked. It makes no sense. Now, hey, maybe there's someone that uses the wrong terminology and I'm not going to throw them in hell, but they're a bad preacher, period. Don't get up to me and defend me somebody that's preaching works salvation and say, this guy is a great preacher, though. Yeah, but he doesn't really mean it when he teaches works salvation. I don't care if he means it or not. What does the Bible say? Because does it really matter what I think? No. It only matters what the Bible says, okay? So let's ask this question. If I teach something wrong but I don't mean it, does it matter? Okay, well, let's ask. Matthew 12, verse 35, a good man under the good treasure of the heart bringing forth good things and an evil man under the evil treasure bringing forth evil things. But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment, for by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Now let me ask this question. Does it say by what you meant you shall be justified and by what you meant you shall be condemned? Or does it say the words? It's the words. And here's the thing. It's sick. How many preachers get up and preach lies and heresy and they can say, well, that's not what I meant. And people are like, oh, okay, no problem then. Yeah, well, what did you mean? Whatever you want me to mean. I know I taught repent of your sins and that if you're not living a righteous life, then you're not saved. But what I meant by that is it's all by grace. What? What? What? What? What?