(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Landmarks in the Bible is a picture of having a conviction of having a boundary of saying I'm not going to cross This boundary landmarks in the in the Bible in the Old Testament are a picture of your separation for neighbors So today we have a lot of harsh landmarks like a physical fence or something that delineates your boundaries But in the olden times they might just have a tree It might be from like the tree to the rock And it's basically like from that side is your part of the land on this side is my part of land right now in modern times we have a lot of fences that kind of Measure those areas the Bible has a proverb here commanding you not to remove landmarks. Look what it says in verse 28 Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have said so a wicked sin would be to come to your neighbor's yard and Pick up the rock and just like chunk it and be like look my house my yard got bigger But Wouldn't people do they go out in the night and they move the fence posts they move So that's why you need a trees or landmark. All right, it's a lot harder to move, but they'd have rocks fence posts something That's movable. They pick up that landmark. They move it to try and increase their border and they're stealing that land. That's a physical Application a spiritual application is people that compromise on doctrine and their convictions They move the ancient landmarks that have been set The Bible says if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do the Bible says in Deuteronomy 19? Thou shalt not remove thy neighbor's landmark. So according the Bible, we're not supposed to remove the landmarks that we have set What's a landmark like the King James Bibles the Word of God in English for us? You say what Bible are you gonna use 20 years from now this one? 50 years this one. Hey, we're not changing from this book. Here's another landmark that I set up always going soul-winning I'm always gonna use the King James Bible and I'm always gonna go so winning in my life I don't want to remove that landmark How long are you in two opinions? Well, I don't know if so winning works. I've already figured out it does Well, I don't know if they're gonna come to church who cares Well Doesn't matter just keep preaching the gospel. How can you think there's anything better than preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ? He saved you you've read the Bible, you know, that's the power of God Well, I think there's more important things to do with my time like what? How long halt you between two opinions Look, we've already made up our mind. We already decided soul winnings the principal thing We already decided the first works and we're never gonna stop it. It's what makes all of our decisions for us Hey, if we're gonna make a decision that stops all winning bad decision Hey, where do you want your church to be soul-winning? Hey, what's your what time should we meet soul-winning what Bible should we use soul-winning? What decisions we make for the church message soul-winning soul-winning soul-winning soul-winning. We've already made that landmark. We're not gonna remove it Well, how are we gonna have choir practice soul-winning? What about the Sunday school soul-winning What about the Tuesday night cell groups soul-winning It's already made our decisions for us follow up soul-winning Show me a follow-up verse in the Bible and then I'll believe it The Bible says daily in the temple and in every house they cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Look, I've already set landmarks. I'm not gonna let someone come and just kind of move it a little bit Well, I know so winning is important. I know is there before but let's just kind of we got some other stuff Let's just kind of bump it a little bit. Let's just kind of keep moving it. No We're gonna not remove that landmark and when you start moving landmarks you start not being able to make decisions