(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now look at verse number 17. The Bible says Gilead abode beyond Jordan. So who's Gilead? Gilead is Gath They didn't they didn't go in and why did Dan remain in the ships? He's saying hey Dan's is up here You know Dan's over here. Just doing his own thing And then he says Asher continued on the seashore He's like, hey, we're all at war here and Rubens just you know by the Dead Sea We got Gilead he's just doing whatever he wants over here Dan's just out at sea, you know Asher's at sea Where's my brethren? I thought we were in a battle here. I thought we were in a fight here Imagine you're going through a fight and I'm just like see you later You're like I thought we were in this together You know the protester shows up and half the church leaves. It's like what? He Says an abode in his breeches Zebulun and Naphtali were a people that Jeoparded their lies unto the death and the high places of the field the kings came and fought then fought the kings of Canaan And Tanach by the waters of Megiddo they took no gain of money. So so what's the point? Why did I draw the map? I just want to give you a visualization Right. The battle was here notice. Nobody else wanted to get into the battle did they? Nobody else wanted to get in the fight and let me say this is just a personal note I've been attacked so many times the last two years Okay as a pastor and it was you know It's really frustrating because it's hard to want to just fight all your own battles sometimes And so I'm basically just seeing myself get kicked around so often. I just made a personal note I said if any of my friends get attacked, I'm just gonna attack their enemy I'm just gonna come after them Because I'm sick and tired of people not standing up for somebody so I'm like, you know what I gotta just I gotta fix myself I can't worry about anybody else. I just said hey the next time I see one of my friends Getting attacked by some wicked person. The gloves are coming off Hey, I'll defend them. I'll fight for them. I'll go shoulder to shoulder with them I'll say hey you want to attack my buddy. You got a bone to pick with me, too Because we're in it together we're gonna be pals we're gonna be friends I'm not just gonna sit here and watch zebulun and is a car get their butt kicked and watch them get oppressed Oh, I'm on the other side of Jordan that must suck for you guys. Oh I'm in Texas. I don't have to worry about, California. I Mean California's got some you know, cicadas. All right I mean they got some all kinds of people over there attacking them and hey you say oh, you know You're not in Florida. I Am in Florida because that's where my heart is Hey, if I see my brethren getting attacked and oppressed in Florida I'm not gonna forget and I'm gonna stand with them and I'm gonna fight with them You're like, where do you keep bringing up fan? Well, it keeps attacking my people He's attacking the people of God. He keeps attacking my brethren and you know what? I'm not so selfless you just sit here and worry about myself only and say well our church is going great You know what? It is going great Wanna be I'm just like hey, we're breaking attendance records and we're doing great and we're you know, everything's you know up and up for us But then I see my brethren struggling. I see my brethren being attacked and I just say well sucks for you guys No, I should stick up for them no, I should fight for them I should say hey I still remember a gag Hey, I still remember the Amalekite Hey I still remember these people and I'm still willing to chop them in pieces even though the bitterness of death is over That's what the Bible is teaching And you know what? I'm gonna jeopardize my life to help my brethren too They're commended because they jeopardized their lives. They were fighting and they weren't fighting for money. They weren't fighting for covetousness They were fighting for God. They were fighting for the Lord's people. That's the right reason to fight