(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Let me read you another title of an article that I saw. It's from the Daily Mail, Driving Through Hell. Driving Through Hell is the title of the article from the Daily Mail. I mean, this thing has gotten all kinds of eyeballs on it. It's been on major publications. The main headline, in fact, of the Drudge Report. It was the number one title of all the articles. It says, horrifying footage shown. The scenes from a car driving through the raging flames of the Hennessey Fire in Napa County as heavy smoke filled the air and burning trees overhead dangerously threatened to topple. Maybe you shouldn't call it Hennessey. At least six people have been killed as a staggering 560 fires continue to spread uncontrollably across the state of California. They have 560 fires all at the same time in the whole state of California going on right now. And they have these pictures, I watched the video. I mean, it literally does look like hell. I mean, it's just fire everywhere, except for the road that the guy's just driving through. I don't know why. I guess he's crazy or whatever. But look what the Bible actually says. Psalms chapter number nine, look at verse 17. The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. God says if you're a wicked nation, if you forget God, you know what? You're gonna literally be hell on earth, hell on earth. And notice we literally have articles from the ungodly saying, hey, it's like hell on earth here in California. Oh, I think that's a coincidence. No, it's because they're wicked. And you say, well, how did these things happen? They said lightning strike, right? Well, listen to this article. This is the title. Nearly 11,000 lightning strikes and 72 hours ignite more than 300 fires in California. 11,000 lightning strikes in 72 hours. I feel like God's mad. 11,000? That's incredible. It says over the past 72 hours, California has experienced a historic lightning siege, said Jeremy Rahn, division chief of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. So even just the unsaved, the ungodly, they're just like, we're just getting lit up with lightning and fire. And now what you have to understand about California is they also have like the Santa Ana winds. So it's dry, because why? No rain. Then they have this great winds swirling through. Then they have lightning strikes just attacking and causing all these fires. And then with that wind, it's just blowing all this fire everywhere on their state. Huh, I wonder who's in control of the wind and the rain and the lightning. Oh yeah, it's God.