(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look at verse number 18, but grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to him be glory both now and forever Amen, you need two things in this world. We need grace and knowledge and You know we we got a lot of knowledge in this church. I feel like we you know especially Realize that we preach a lot of Bible a lot of people to build Bible memory verses a lot of people go soul-winning So they're very familiar with a lot of Scripture and that knowledge is good And knowledge gives you things knowledge gives you power knowledge gives you protection knowledge Will give you a personal relationship with God and it's pleasant. You know I like knowledge. We need knowledge We need knowledge to have the power to overcome evil. We need knowledge to protect ourselves from the evils of this world We need knowledge so we can have that personal intimate relationship with God That's the only way we can have relationship with God, and we need knowledge. You know I just find it pleasant I like the truth. I like learning things I don't want to come to church and learn nothing And just to basically be bumpkins and be like I can't even put a puzzle together It's like that's not the point of church the point of church is to gain some more information and gain some knowledge But when we gain that knowledge we start realizing how foolish this world is Do you think if we had stricter gun control laws that Lee Harvey Oswald would not have been able to shoot Jesus? Or would he have still used a gun on the black market? He still would have been able to get a gun to shoot Jesus Do you think if we had stricter gun control laws that Jesus would still would have not been killed I Don't know It all depends if someone wants a gun they're gonna get and use it But I mean if there were stricter gun control laws would Lee Harvey Oswald have gotten the gun that killed Jesus Do you think or you think that would have prevented him shooting Jesus, I don't know I Really don't know and how stupid this world is and how ignorant and just all the weird stuff I mean, I feel like I keep losing respect for people outside of the church walls Because of the knowledge that you gain But we have to balance that with charity and we have to balance that with grace specifically What is grace unmerited favor, you know in comparison to God our knowledge is so far from his Yet he's still kind and loving towards us, isn't he? And so we don't want to get so puffed up with our knowledge and so puffed up with all the information We have and being so right about everything and having all the right doctrines That we can't even reach the wicked world today because we're just so knowledgeable We need some grace to to go out and to reach the filthy and to reach the undesirable and to reach the wicked of today and to try and come down on their level condescend a men of low estate and To preach them the gospel today. We need grace today So that we'll go out and preach the gospel to people, you know I noticed that even the churches that do technically do a little bit of soul winning. It seems like they avoid the really ghetto areas And I get it. It's more evil They're they're less knowledgeable and stuff. You know what that's some of the best all winning You know, it takes a lot of grace to go to the house that's dirty and filthy and they they they reek and they've got a thousand beer cans on the front lawn and To go out and try to preach them the gospel, but you know what they get saved more often the rich neighbors They get more saved than the HOA And we need to balance ourselves today with some grace You know and I get tired of dealing with all the lazy and apathetic and all the failures of humanity I do You know what? I'm sure I'm way worse Person have to deal with from God's perspective than the people are to me I'm sure I disappoint and fail God more than the people that fail me I'm sure look, you know Obviously I get frustrated their government and all the people that are you know in our society leaders and all these people You know what? We need to be meek and we'd be gracious Towards the loss because that's the whole point if we just get filled with the knowledge and we're like We're the only ones going to heaven Baptist Briders Then we're not gonna do anything for the Lord if they get so stupid that we don't even realize they're unsaved Then we won't do anything for Lord. Hey, we need knowledge and we need grace today and we need to be reminded of Christ's return