(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) But, you know, do you know that we tried to move into, we moved to Sacramento in 2016. We tried to move in 2013. That's three years earlier. I tried to move to a couple different places. But you know what I did? I applied for all these awesome jobs. And I'm like, you know what, if I get like the CEO job, I'll move. If I get this huge job, then I'll move. Nothing panned out. Think about it, three years. That's three years of my life. Three years. Gone, just like that. I mean, I'm watching these videos last night and I went over and I told my wife, because I'm watching these videos at the farm and I'm seeing everything. I'm seeing all the panels, I'm seeing all the fences, I'm seeing all the buildings, and I'm like, I built all that. I built all that. And let me tell you something, when I built something, I built it for the next generation's. I built stuff to last 60 years because when my grandpa built it, it lasted 60 years. So I didn't, I mean, the business, the whole thing, I'm just looking at, oh, I can't. I literally told my wife, I can't believe that I did all that. And my stomach sank. I'm watching it and my stomach sank. And you say, why, do you regret? No, my stomach sank because when I listened to myself talking on those videos and I looked at all that stuff, I saw a man walking along the edge of a cliff. I was walking along the edge of a cliff. And it could have cost me everything. Because I know, look, success. Would I have had success? Maybe. Would my career have worked out? Probably, maybe, I don't know. But God would have cursed me with it. I would have destroyed my family. Because guess what? We had no church. We went to a church. Limited spiritual life. My wife and kids went to church a lot by themselves. I got Wednesday night. So I got too much work to do. I had no respect for the pastor. He was lazy. I had no spiritual life. There was no soul winning. Never got one person saved. Do you think I didn't offend people? Do you think I didn't offend people after I spent years building that place? With my own two hands and people saw me do it? People were offended. The crown, when I left the crown jewel of my family that I had rebuilt with these hands to move to California, are you crazy? You know how mad people were? They thought I lost my mind. They thought I went nuts. It's not like I spent a year there. I spent years of life and labor there. Everyone in my family, on this side of my family, they worshiped that place. And so did I. I was brought up since I was this tall to worship that place. And then I had the privilege of being the one to rebuild it and restore it. This is my thinking when I was doing it. And it would have cost me everything. It would have cost me my children. Because I know how they would have turned out. Because I'm watching the cousins, how they turn out. But then just another worldly situation that plays out the same way. So of all that, when I'm watching that, and I'm like, man, all that, best move I ever made. Thank God for having mercy on me. Because look, ultimately, to take my energy and my time, I told my wife, I told my wife, when we finally decided to move, look, in 2013, it's like if I get this and I get that and I get this, I got tested then. I got tested then. It's like, but those things didn't pan out. I told my wife when we moved in 2016, I'm looking at house prices, I'm looking at prices in Sacramento, I'm like, and I'm just assuming that I'm gonna lose everything. That's where I was at. I assumed that I would lose everything. And I told my wife, I don't think that we'll be able to afford a two bedroom apartment in Sacramento. And she said, I don't care. I'm 39 years old and I'm ready to shake the exit sketch and just start over. That's where I was at. That's where you need to be. But guess what? That's where I was at. God never required it of me. I quit my job and I didn't even have a job. I never thought I would be that type of person. That's who you need to be. God never required it of me. God's blessed me like crazy. I don't even know what I'm doing. I have a job, I have a house, but I don't care. I don't care about those things. This is my business. You are my career. This is my energy here. Get your heart focused in the right direction and it's all or nothing or it won't work. You gotta be willing to give everything up. What else can I say? I've done it all. I've shaken the edge of sketch. That's what you need to do. Because anything, please listen to me. Anything that gets in between you and God, God's gonna rip it down because he's jealous. He's jealous for you.