(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) This is how I know that this is an idol is because I guarantee there's a lot of offended people in the church right now Okay, or even people online. I remember a couple years ago. I came out with a clip about minecraft and I said is minecraft sinful and I was explaining how you know, basically the same stuff I explained now and Man, people were so upset How can minecraft be sinful? It's literally this this guy's he doesn't know what he's talking about This guy's salty They're super upset because I attacked their little golden calf Right, it can become an idol. Yeah, you don't worship a false god You may not worship Allah you may not worship Buddha. You may not worship the god of the Mormons You may not worship the god of the Catholics. You may not worship some some pagan God, but hold on a second What about this thing right here though? When I start talking about this does it rub you the wrong way does it bother you Do you not like it when I hit it like that when I'm just beating it, huh? Does that bother you just a little bit when I say you need to grow up Does it bother you a little bit when I say put away the video games from among you? Does it bother you when I say put that trash away? It belongs in the garbage. You're a man of God You ought to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Don't waste your time playing video games redeem the time because the days are evil. Does that bother you? How about parents does that bother you? Don't talk to my kids like that you brought him to church. I Told you this morning. I was gonna preach on this Does that bother you you know what it's become an idol Become a golden calf Yeah, I don't like what he's saying about that I'm still gonna do it that you know why cuz this is an idol Exodus 32 verse 19 Says and it came to pass as soon as he came Nigh unto the camp that he saw the calf and the dancing and Moses anger wax hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount and he took the calf which they had made and Burned it in the fire and ground it to powder and straw it upon the water and made the children of Israel drink of it Moses sent Aaron What did this people unto thee that thou has brought so great a sin upon them? The Bible says you know what you know you young people need to do You need to take your Xbox And Trash that idol cuz you know what that thing's taking the place of you reading the Bible That thing's taking the place of your prayer life that thing's taking the place of you've living the rights it's taking a place of you improving your marriage and Someone stands in the way of my marriage and my child rearing. That's what they deserve Oh It's an idol oh You're you're that's too much. Well. You know what it's not too much for God didn't think this is too much God didn't think oh man Moses just exaggerated. He shouldn't have done that you know he should have just gone about it a different way He should have you know you know just melted it and made it back to drools or whatever and rings I hate video games because it creates apathy in the church It makes people not paying its pay attention to the preaching of God's Word It makes people it makes young people apathetic towards the truth of God's Word It makes people bored with church Even though the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword It's an idol. You know what the Bible says we should do with idols smash them Destroy them