(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now the reason I believe it says locusts and wild honey, I believe this is basically symbolic of his preaching as well Because what is locusts represent in the Old Testament? judgment, right Locust was always representative of God's judgment Upon a people when he would send the locust in Exodus in Egypt. He would always destroy the crops It's symbolic of God's judgment. Okay, and you know what John the Baptist preaching was it was judgmental It brought a lot of judgment upon the nation of Israel. So what about the wild honey? The wild honey is Symbolic of the Word of God the sweetness of the Word of God go to Revelation if you wouldn't revelation chapter number 10 So what can we say about his preaching? It was bittersweet Right. Why was it bittersweet because it was hard. But yet what did he do? He pointed people to Jesus all the time So Yes, it was hard and it was hateful It was hateful preaching You don't call people you love generation of vipers Right, it was pretty hateful But you know what? It was very sweet at the same time because he would say behold the Lamb of God who should take away the sins of the world he brought the love of God to a lost and dying world and So we can say that his preaching was balanced, right? It had love but it also had a lot of judgment Righteousness and even hatred why because the Bible says he that loved the Lord hate evil. Okay Look at Revelation 10 9 says and I went into the angel and said unto him Give me the little book and he said unto me take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly Bitter, but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey You know the Word of God is sweet When you read it, it's sweet when you when the Holy Spirit teaches you the Word of God, it's sweet, but no one can I Mean be honest out of it out. We understand that the Word of God can be bitter at times Preaching can be bitter It doesn't sit well with us sometimes Why maybe because we're not right with God or we're involved in sin or maybe you're effeminate or maybe you know You're not fulfilling your role and it's bitter towards you. Well, that's exactly what the Word of God is supposed to do So we see that his preaching was balanced, you know, he had judgment, but he also had wild honey He was also it was a bittersweet type of a mixture and look this is the type of preaching we need today. Okay? The vast majority of it, especially when he comes to church. Hey, we need to preach bitter stuff We need to preach judgment Righteousness when you talk about hell we need to talk about false prophets and lame preaching We need to call sin sin abomination abomination We need to make sure that we just cover everything that God says is abominable and preach it from the housetops The bitter things of the Word of God we need to cover But you know in like manner we need to take that locust and dip it in wild honey and speak the truth and love Right speaking the truth in love How do we do that by preaching the gospel? Okay. Now look you said what about in church? I want to hear about the love of God in church Well, here's the thing if you're saved, you know about the love of God Right If you're saved, you know the love of God How do you know the love of God God commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believed in him should not perish but have everlasting Life, you know, the love of God is already shed abroad in your heart We know the length breath death and to know the love of Christ with which passeth all knowledge the Bible says we already know about these things