(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) They have deeply corrupted themselves as in the days of Gibeah, therefore he will remember their iniquity He will visit their sins Okay, now the phrase corrupted themselves is an important expression because it displays the depths of their sin Don't just glaze over that phrase. They corrupted themselves because this phrase is only used six times in the Bible and And five of those times that it's used it's used in the Old Testament and and it's always talking about People who basically have gone into idolatry. For example, you have an exodus where Moses goes up to the mound to receive the commandments of God and what are the people do they convince Aaron to make the golden Calf they rise up to play and we understand that that's referring to the fact that they're playing the whore They're becoming idolatrous and what does God tell Moses? Hey get you down for these people have corrupted themselves and have gone out of the way He's referring to the fact that they've gotten into idolatry You also have the example in the book of Judges where a judge would rise up and deliver the people from the oppressor but as soon as that judge died the Bible says that they would return and Corrupt themselves more than their fathers in serving other gods and worshiping worshiping them, etc You also find this example in the book of Jude, okay The Bible says in verse 10 you have to turn there But these speak evil of those things would say no not but what they know naturally as brute beasts in those things they corrupt Themselves now, why is this? Why is this essential? Why is this important go to Romans 1? Go to Romans chapter 1 hold your place in Hosea 9 Romans 1 verse 22 Because The five times that it's mentioned in the Old Testament is always in reference to idolatry The one time that it's mentioned in the New Testament is in Jude. It's in reference to faggots It's the reference to sodomites people who are Reprobate which by the way a false prophet is a reprobate a sodomite is a reprobate. These are all the same thing here. Okay now Romans 1 gives us a Basically a step-by-step program how these people became reprobate look at verse 22 professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like it's a corruptible man and to Birds into four-footed beasts and to creeping things Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness to the lust of their own heart to dishonor their own bodies between themselves Who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship the creature more than the creator who is blessed forever? Amen now we often say look a person becomes a reprobate why someone tell me They reject Jesus Christ they reject right the Lord. What's no different in the Old Testament? You see when someone you see a nation Get into idolatrous practices and they start serving bail. What does that mean? They rejected the Lord? That's why it says in Romans 1 23 that they changed the glory of the uncorruptible God and Made an image like into corruptible man into birds four-footed beasts and creeping things that's called idolatry So someone who has rejected Christ, they're not just rejecting Christ. They're putting someone in this place Okay, whoever that may be, but of course we understand that it's a devil That is the first step that people take into becoming a reprobate they reject the Lord and what happens God gives them over to uncleanness And what happened was when they're unclean they corrupt themselves Okay, the Bible says in Deuteronomy 32 verse 5 they have corrupted themselves their spot is not the spot of its children They are a perverse and crooked Generation you see the spot that is referring to there is the fact that when you're saved the blood of Jesus Christ is imputed upon you Whereas someone who as a spot of a reprobate as we see in Jude is a person who has rejected the Lord, okay? They're not saved. They're twice dead plucked up by the roots