(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Owning a weapon for self-defense is biblical. Okay, it is biblical to own a weapon. Look at Luke chapter 9 verse number 1 Let me say this it's biblical for Christians To own weapons Luke 9 verse 1 says then he called his 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick and he said unto them take Nothing for your journey Neither staves nor script neither bread neither money neither have two coats a piece now here We see that he says look when you go out. You don't need a state. What is the state? It's a stick It's not a walking stick It's a stick to protect themselves Because he told not to take it. It's like don't take the walking stick but go walking doesn't make any sense This the insinuation here is that they did have staves before they did have some sort of steak Some sort of stick that they can protect themselves with from robbers from people who would grow violent towards them But he's telling them don't take it now. Why is that? Why did he tell them don't take a weapon when you go out because they had Jesus there That's why and even though Jesus wasn't present when they would go out into the cities. Jesus was present on this earth So while Jesus was on this earth, they had God's divine protection during that time because the work needed to be done, right? They had God's divine protection Jesus Christ was there providing for them and protecting them This is why he told them don't have it now go to Luke chapter 22 Luke chapter 22 This is nearing the end where Jesus Christ is going to be crucified right he's gonna be taken from this world He's gonna fulfill prophecy by dying for the sins of the whole world look at verse 35 and He said unto them when I sent you without purse and script and shoes Lacking anything and they said nothing. He's saying look remember when I told you don't take anything Remember how I provided for your needs. I provided the financial needs. I provided the food I even provided protection because he's saying lacking anything if they would have like well protection God I mean, you know that Robert they took they took my sandals or whatever, you know Lacking anything they said nothing Then CD said he unto them but now he that hath the purse let him take it and Likewise his script he said now I'm gonna be taken You need to make sure you have some money with you because I'm not gonna be here with you I'm not gonna multiply the fish and the bread as a four-time, right? Well, we need to depend on the Lord. Yeah, but we also need to work to gain resources and finances that's what God told us to do right and He that hath no sword people hate this verse Pacifist Christians hate it. I feel like they if it was up to them when they get to heaven They want to say like why did you put that verse in the Bible? We ran into so much trouble with this Jesus said this and he that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one