(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) and patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us now hope what is that what is the synonym for hope faith so what does it do what happens when we have patience we gain experience what do we get we increase our faith because of the fact that now at the end of that trial when you come out of a difficulty you say wow I obeyed the Word of God and he actually came through you know you believe that before but you believe it so much the more now and you know what faith does it causes you to take more risks for God too but it causes you to believe more because here's the thing and maybe you haven't gone through a trial so you're like I don't know what you're talking about you know this is going over my head when you go through a trial there's times when you feel like God is forsaking you there's times when you feel alone there's times when you just you go through a dark valley of life because things don't go well for you and you're like man what's going on you know I'm going to a hard time I feel like I'm not getting my prayers answered God's I feel like God's not providing for my needs I'm going through a tough time and there's times when you can you know it just questioned the love of God at times not question that you're saved question the love of God that is very much a natural byproduct of tribulation is this sometimes you question but you know what happens is that when you just plow through that trial you allow patience to have a perfect work you gain experience you know what it does it increases your faith in God and it increases your faith in the love of God because now you've matured to the point you recognize that regardless of the circumstances God will always love me whether in hunger or a nakedness or in peril nothing shall separate me from the love of God and you can and it makes you stronger is what it does okay so it says hope maketh not a shame it's not faith is not gonna let you down because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us