(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Says there in verse number three go back to chapter four The children of israel cried into the lord for he had 900 chariots of iron in 12 20 years He mightily oppressed the children of israel look at verse four and deborah a prophetess the wife of lapidoth She judged israel at that time Now one thing you'll notice here is it doesn't say throughout the entire time that god chose deborah God used deborah But he didn't choose her see We're going to read in just a little bit that deborah Prophesies and that prophecy is from god to who to barack Because god chose barack Now if you remember in previous chapters the judges of israel Were to judge israel, but they also operated as what as a military general So we don't see deborah being a military general at all. In fact, who's the military general there? We have barack. That's the guy who actually god chose To go and actually fight the wars for the lord to go and actually do the work whereas deborah She's not chosen. But here's the thing god uses her And this is like and you said what do you what can you compare this to I compare this to? You know you have a for example, you have a mother who comes to church and her and her husband does it right? He's uh, she's on fire for the lord. She's coming to church. She's reading her bible She's bringing the kids And her husband's saved but he's not going to church He's not doing anything and she's kind of like the one who's taking the spiritual reins of the family Helping the kids grow in the lord teaching them the bible now is that I mean whose responsibility is it to have that spiritual thermostat in the home is the dad But if the dad's not doing it who does it by default the mom? Right. God doesn't choose her to do it. But by default she's going to do it Sometimes obviously, you know what I mean? God does not choose her to be the leader the spiritual leader But you know if the dad's not taking care of business spiritually speaking by default. It's going to fall to the mom God's not choosing her to do that But you know what god can still use a woman right to teach the children to tell them to go to church To help them with their spiritual disciplines. That's not ideal Obviously what ideal is is that the man would just get up read his bible be spirit filled be spiritual Lead his wife lead his children and be that man of god in the home But if that's not the case, sometimes what you have is like a deborah You understand now, you know what the unfortunate thing is is that sometimes men come to church and their wife is still deborah You know, he's coming to church, but he's not learning the bible. He's not putting it into practice. He's not soul winning He's not taking care of the spiritual responsibilities and it seems as though the woman is like the leader in that home Garbage Yeah, it is garbage. Amen Says the man without a wife. No, i'm just kidding I'm kidding, but he's right. It's true because that's not the way it ought to be. Amen What it ought to be is the man? lapidoth lapidoth Should be doing something Say hey. Hey deborah, hold your horses Hey, just chill out. All right. I know israel needs help I know I'll judge them i'll stand up and i'll judge them. I know you're on fire. Hey, i'm thankful you love the lord I know you see I know you got a burden for the nation at this point But let me i'm the man god has chosen men to do this job. Let me do it. But do we see that? No We just see that he's the wife or he's not the wife. See he's the husband. He's acting like the wife