(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The FDA stated something. I mean, the FDA is not a Christian organization, we understand that, right? The FDA said it is. We do not know if any of the ingredients, by the way, that's not a good way to start off a sentence. Just to say, hey, we don't know, hold on a second, what do you mean you don't know? It's already out on the market. This is something that's propagated year after year, get your flu shot, get your flu shot. And then you start off the sentence, we don't know. If the ingredients found in vaccines which contain foreign DNA will lead to any event. Well thank you for telling me that. After the fact that you actually start propagating these vaccines and thousands of people have received them, I just want to let you know in the fine print, we don't know that these vaccines that have foreign DNA, like monkey kidneys, we don't know if that, once it goes into your body, if it's going to lead to any future event. What future event are they talking about? They're referring to the takeover of DNA, cancer, cell death, inflammation of the brain. Things that will just destroy your children's life. And you even look at the testimonies of people who have gone through such a devastating event, their lives are changed forever. They live heartbroken, understanding and coming to the reality that their child will not have a normal life. They will no longer marry, they will no longer have children, they will no longer live a normal life. Why? Because we didn't know. We don't know. Well you know what? It's time to get some smarts, it's time to get some knowledge, it's time to behave as the royal priesthood, to say well you know what, I may not be the PhD doctor here, but you know what, as the royal priesthood, I pronounce this unclean. As the royal priesthood, I'm not going to have this for my family, I'm not going to have this for my children, I'm not going to have this for the future generations to come, because from the research done, from what I can see with the facts, it's unclean. I'm not going to have this for my children.