(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you know there's a lot of biblical words in the Bible that have been twisted by false religions that have been misused misinterpreted and unfortunately they have a connotation with the unsaved people of this world for example when we think of the word repentance repentance is a biblical word but if you tell the average Joe Schmo who's not saved they're not churchgoers they don't know anything about the Bible what is repentance they will automatically say well that means you got to turn from your sin which there's instances in the Bible that that is true but when it comes to salvation it's not true the Bible never tells us to repent from sin in order to be saved why well because God commands us to do things that are possible okay you will never command us to do something that is impossible and repenting or turning from our sin is actually impossible because here's the thing you're surrounded by sin so once you give your back and turn turn your back on one sin you're facing another you understand you're always gonna be sinning this side of eternity you will always have this corruptible flesh this side of eternity and so repentance is not necessarily a word we want to use when we're preaching the gospel because it confuses people you said what should I use well just tell them this believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that's a simple phrase and term to understand and believe okay so let's let's look at the baptism of repentance I'm gonna read to you from Mark chapter 1 verse 4 you're in Acts chapter 19 mark chapter 1 verse 4 says John did baptize in the wilderness and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins so here in Mark chapter 1 we actually have two things that John the Baptist is doing it says that he is baptizing in the wilderness this is referring to the physical baptism and then it says that he's preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins two separate things and if they weren't separate he could just say he's baptizing for the remission of sins and that's it but the reason there's a comma there the reason there's two statements being made there's because there's two separate actions he's baptizing physically but he's also preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness or remission of sins and that's referring to salvation let's prove it acts 19 verse 4 then said Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people be baptized in water in order to be saved so it says no that they should believe on him we should come after him that is on Christ Jesus so acts 19 is a commentary on mark chapter 1 verse 4 right we read mark chapter 1 verse 4 we see the baptism of repentance we read acts chapter 19 of verse 4 and it operates as a commentary it basically expands the meaning of what baptism of for the remission of sins really means okay it means to believe on Jesus Christ that's what it means okay so when John the Baptist is in the wilderness he's preaching the baptism of repentance he's telling people believe on the Lord Jesus Christ which should come after me okay