(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) the Bible says in Proverbs 10 27 the fear of the Lord prolongs days but the years of the wicked shall be shortened the Bible says so God is telling us that when we fear God you know what that does that prolongs our days why because we don't drink we don't smoke we don't do things that are displeasing until we don't fornicate we don't commit adultery why because we fear God and what does that do that prolongs our days he said well how does not drinking you know prolong your days well I don't know something called cirrhosis of the liver you know I had an uncle who died of cirrhosis of the liver he was saved but guess what he died you know I had a cousin who basically did so many drugs and abused his body so much that he died at in his 20s and I remember talking to him and he's on his deathbed and he told me Bruce they said I'm gonna die this week and I said well you know and I witness to him and he says I'm saved I've already trusted Christ as my Savior I know I can never lose my salvation and he goes he says I prayed though he goes I believe God can deliver me from this I didn't tell him this because I didn't think it was worth telling him but I'm thinking myself he's not gonna deliver you he's not gonna deliver you and he goes I believe God has done it before to other people I believe he can do it again and you know I'm thinking and I told him this I said well you know what I'll see you in heaven I'll see you in heaven I love him he's my cousin but you know what he did that to himself and we can't expect to live a life of sin thank you we can't expect to live a life of sin and then Jack our bodies up and then at the last minute just expect for God to deliver us of that of our the consequences of our actions doesn't work that way okay you do that to your own self you destroyed yourself and we need to make sure that we don't allow these type of sins into our life look and for anything live a clean life not just for yourself but for your family for your wife for your children for your husband for the future for souls you know what good are you what good are you if you're just if you die sooner and you know the gospel you could have given it to hundreds of thousands of people but you decide to destroy your own body destroy your future and die early it's not worth it you