(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) now obviously when people like even if you study history or even you watch certain documentaries they'll often talk about Christians in ancient history but then really when you dig deep you actually realize they're actually referring to Catholics it's like oh whoa these guys Christian but they're not even they're not even Christians they're Catholics and then if you go further than that they'll say Protestants and they refer to us as Protestants well we're not Protestants Protestants are those who protested the Catholic Church they came out of the Catholic Church we do not come from the Catholic Church you say where do we come from we come from the Bible we find our foundation our beliefs grounded in the Word of God now let's talk about its origins okay because people say well you know we are the true church the Catholics will say we're the true church we come from Jesus and the Apostles well that's funny first and foremost because of the fact that they don't call themselves originally a Christian Church they call themselves a Catholic Church and the word Catholic is not found in the Bible now let's go a little deeper into that they call themselves the what Roman Catholic Church why don't you call yourself the Antioch Catholic Church you know where they were first called Christians or how about just Jesus Christ Catholic Church why do they have to call themselves Roman Catholic Church well let me tell you why because that's where it comes from you know we're faithful word Baptist Church of El Mani this is where we come from right well there's a reason why they put Roman in front of Catholic Church that's where they originate from you say oh how do you know that you know I think they came from you know the the New Testament the Gospels with Jesus Christ and the Apostles well here's the thing this religion had its inception its beginning in AD 313 with who with Roman Emperor Constantine not with Jesus with Constantine now Emperor Constantine with the edict of Milan merged Christianity with Romanism in an attempt to basically rescue the Roman Empire to unite it once again he wanted to use Christianity to unite the Roman Empire while it was in its decline okay and unfortunately became a mixture of apostate Christians and Romanism