(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Address something in first corinthians chapter six look at verse number two I'm, sorry verse three. It says know you not that we shall judge angels How much more things that pertain to this life now? This is a verse that has perplexed a lot of people throughout the years about judging angels And i'm going to give you the two schools of thoughts here Of what this could potentially mean now i've heard for years that basically what this means is like We are going to judge the angels that the demons that have been tempting us And fought against us and we're going to be able to cast them down to hell You know this pentecostal charismatic type of interpretation and they'll often use second peter two and jew to be able to prove that They'll say, you know, hey, they're reserved into judgment, you know to the last days and we're going to be the ones judging them Because we shall judge angels I don't believe what that means. That's what it means at all. I think that's kind of ridiculous And you know that judgment is for god obviously, you know where he he's the one who's casting people to hell not us, okay We just help them get there faster amen Go to hebrew chapter one in the millennial reign go to hebrews one i'm going to give you my interpretation of what this means So I don't believe this is referring to us judging demons You know, I remember like back in the day. I had a friend who's just like he had a pastor As or his dad was a pastor he's like, yeah, my dad slays demons in his sleep And he sends them to hell and all these things i'm just like what is he eating? What kind of meals is he having before going to sleep? Good night That's obviously poppycock. It's nonsense. It's not real now Here's the thing is remember in context judging obviously means to be able to discern between one be able to judge matters, okay? But to be a judge as I mentioned it also means to be a ruler You're ruling over individuals And what I believe this is referring to is the fact that we shall rule over angels as well Now look at hebrews 1 verse 13 But to which of the angels said he at any time sin on my right hand until I make that an enemy's thy footstool Are they not all? ministering spirits Sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation Now when you think of someone who is ruling over another individual the recipient of that rule is like a servant to the ruler And a synonym for a servant is what a minister Now here in hebrews 1 14 It's telling us that there are angels who actually minister to those who shall be heirs of righteousness to us Right, we've had uh guardian angels so to speak. That's what we would call them prior to salvation But we also continue to have them even throughout our christian life we see examples of that in the bible So why would it be far-fetched to think that their ministering? Extends all the way even to the millennial reign and the new heaven and new earth You see now we're made a little lower than the angels But when it comes to us being glorified at that point we become rulers. I believe they continue to minister unto us Us Okay Now to what extent I don't know, you know, like hey, you know fly me to the moon or something like that I don't know. I don't think that's what it's referring to. I think because if you think about an angel An angel is a what? a messenger So maybe in the millennial reign, it's just like hey, can you go tell you lisa's in asia real quick? That he needs to keep those people, you know In asia or whatever, you know We don't know exactly we see through a glass darkly But I don't I don't think it's far-fetched to think that angels continue to minister unto us Because there's no indication that the angels disappear in the millennial ring I think they're everlasting beings right these creatures that are everlasting and if they're ministering to us prior to salvation when we're saved I don't think it's it's it's You know preposterous to think that their ministry extends all the way even to the millennial reign and look there's a lot of work to do In the millennial reign, I mean it's a thousand years worth of work that we have to do I don't think it's it's it's crazy to think that they continue to minister unto us helping us carry out certain decrees and messages And work, okay