(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Look this is important because even when we're out sowing some people resist You know the believe only doctrine because they think well you think that anybody could just get saved Which we believe whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved But the exception to that rule is there's certain people that cannot be saved which are the reprobate I've even i've gone sowing and I talked to a catholic lady one time And i'm getting ahead of myself, but I talked to a catholic lady one time and she's like I just can't accept that That once you believe you just you get saved she goes and she thought she had me She's oh, what about the pedophile? You know And i'm like, yeah, that guy's not gonna get saved She's like really i'm like, yeah, and I showed her romans one. I showed her all the scriptures and she's like, wow I didn't know that And she ended up getting saved You know, but people like that are used to hearing, you know these weakling pastors Who They'll get someone in their church who was molested by these freaks And these pastors will tell you you got to forgive that person You know, you need to forgive that person if god's gonna you don't need to forgive that person There is an exception to that rule. There's certain people you don't have to forgive And one of them is reprobates child molesters And that angers a lot of people Who when this spiritual weakling leader with no stones comes up and says hey You need to forgive your dad who molested you. No, you don't right fool look I can't go beyond what god does if god didn't forgive him. Why do you think god expects me to forgive him? It's like god's like i'm not forgiving that person but you have to though Do as I say not as I do Right kind of mentality. No, that's stupid God does not expect and look it's it's almost like mentally and emotionally impossible That's why people who are violated in years past they struggle with that Especially if they were taught. Hey, you got to forgive this person. You got to forgive this person who molested you, you know They they struggle with that And they may even come to a point and say yeah, I forgave them but deep down inside They hold a lot of hatred and resentment toward that person, which is okay to hate that person God gave us that type of hatred for a reason