(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) root number one the first root is the New Testament written in Hebrew not Greek now this is so ridiculous because of the fact that there are five thousand over five thousand nine hundred Greek manuscripts of the New Testament how many Hebrew manuscripts are there in the New Testament zero zilch nada settle that doesn't exist you so well how do you know what about these people to believe in that you know what their manuscript is is YouTube that's their manuscript you know what their manuscript is social media where some idiot gets up and lies and says if there's Hebrew manuscripts and then what do the people do oh yeah that's true and they base all their doctrine off of social media without even trying to figure out the facts to see if it's even true over five thousand nine hundred Greek manuscripts okay so they claim that the New Testament written in Hebrew but look the internal evidence shows otherwise okay look at John chapter 19 verse 19 says in pilot wrote a title and put it on the cross and the writing was Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews this title the king of the Jews excuse me this title then read many of the Jews for the place where Jesus was crucified was nigh to the city and it was written in Hebrew Greek and Latin then said the chief priests of the Jews to pilot right not the king of the Jews but that he said I'm the king of the Jews pilot answered what I have written I have written so here we see a very significant occurrence right here where when Jesus was crucified they put Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jews in three different languages now this is done on purpose obviously why is that well it was written in Latin because of the fact that the Empire that was ruling at that time was the Roman Empire and the language that the Romans spake during that time was Latin you have Hebrew because this is taking place in Jerusalem where Jews they speak Hebrew that's that's the language in which the Old Testament was written in you have your exceptions of Aramaic portions of Scripture and Daniel etc but then you also have it in Greek now that's very significant because of the fact that Greek was the main language of the civilized world at that time okay and this is very important order to understand that our New Testament was written in Greek why well first of all how do we know that Greek was the main language of the civilized world this is how we know this historically biblical we know it because we see it there's over 5,900 manuscripts written in Greek but historically we know this because of the fact that during this time the Roman Empire was ruling now in the fourth century BC when Alexander the Great was defeated his kingdom was the part was basically divided into four separate kingdoms ruled by by Greek speaking generals then what happened the Romans came in they defeated them now when the Romans would conquer a land they would actually often allow them to keep their own culture keep their own language keep their own culture and they would inculcate their own way of Roman living into that culture the exception would be the Greeks because if you study when the Romans took over took conquered the Greeks they actually liked Greek culture they like Greek culture they like their language they're like the way of living and so they allowed Greek culture to influence Roman culture and you know the main thing that they allow themselves to be influenced by other than the arts was the language they allowed the language in fact there's a joke that said there's the Romans conquer the Greeks or that the Greeks conquer the Romans and the reason they say that is because so much of Greek culture was just inculcated into the Roman culture it's like who conquered who