(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And this is not referring to someone who is just like, this isn't referring to literally how you walk, right? There, you gotta be careful how you walk. It's saying see how you walk with your mouth. See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. Now let me tell you what this is not saying as well. This isn't saying that we should walk on eggshells, okay? And let me make this point real quick. We should never have to feel like we're walking on eggshells around individuals in our church because maybe they're a little too sensitive. You understand? It's like, well, you know, there's certain things you just can't say around this individual because they're a little sensitive. Look folks, I'm not walking around on eggshells in my own church, around people that I love, you know? And I think there's a distinction between the two. Obviously we need to be discreet, but on the other hand, we can't just walk on eggshells because every Tom, Dick, and Harry in the church might get offended for everything that we say, you understand? So I'm not saying walk on eggshells, and I don't think the Bible's saying walk on eggshells. It's just telling you to walk discreetly with appropriateness, okay? Carefully, circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. Hey, be aware of the people that are around you before you speak. Who are the people that I'm referring to? Can you, I gotta do the signals. Who are the people that I'm referring to? How about this, before the opposite genders? Sharing things that are too personal, okay? Now look, there's certain things that men can talk with men about, and women can talk to women about, and that should never cross between each other unless you're married, and you're talking to your spouse. Okay? There's certain topics and subjects that are appropriate within the setting of marriage. You know, the Bible tells us marriage is honorable in all things, and the bed undefiled, which is referring to the fact that between a man and a woman, that conversation or that physical relationship or whatever's taking place there, that's private, and it's not inappropriate between me and my wife, my wife and me, but it is inappropriate with other people. Discussing body parts, discussing things that are done with married people, with other people, opposite gender, that's inappropriate, folks. Use and discretion. But we're new IFB, man! So, new IFB is appropriate. How about you, we're discreet. At least we're supposed to be. And I don't know who you're talking about when you say we're new IFB. As far as my pastor friends are concerned, I know they're discreet. The people that I fellowship with are discreet and exercise that discretion, okay? And so, make sure that you exercise appropriate discretion when you are in front of the opposite gender, okay? There's certain things you should not be discussing as a man with a woman who, first of all, is not your wife.